saving spent mash from 3G sweetfeed run

Sugar, and all about sugar washes. Where the primary ingredient is sugar, and other things are just used as nutrients.

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saving spent mash from 3G sweetfeed run

Post by opihiman911 »

I have run a couple gerber and BW sugar washes with good results that I and my family are quite happy with. I then got interested in making some sweetfeed runs. I just finished my 3rd generation of my SF whiskey and it is getting better with each generation. Problem is I have enough SF whiskey to age and last me for a while and my family wants more neutral sugar washes (they like their apple pies and fresh squeezed bulldogs).

Is there a way I can store the 3G SF mash for like a month or 6 weeks so I can make a couple more gerber washes? Then revive it for future generations to keep it going? From what I've read, and tasted so far, sweetfeed get much better the more generation you go out. I am using 15 pound of sweet cob (all grain corn, oat, barley & molassas, no pellets) for each run and after raking off the grey top 2 inches I guess I have 10-12 pounds of spent wet grain. Should I zip lock bag it and freeze it? Dry it out? Just dump it in a air tight 5 gallon bucket? Or is it a waste of time to save and I should feed it to the chickens?

Thanks for all the help and and awesome board. I have been able to get all my info and solutions on here to make 7 sucessful runs in the last couple months without a hitch, and I'm only getting better.

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Re: saving spent mash from 3G sweetfeed run

Post by pounsfos »

as long as it is alcoholic and kept away from the air (put a lid on it), it can last about 6 months, sometimes more.

longest I have had mine left is 3 months and it was fine.
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Re: saving spent mash from 3G sweetfeed run

Post by opihiman911 »

Awesome, just what I wanted to hear. I just filled 4 gallon zip lock bags of my spent grain and have it stored in a dark Tupperware crate. Can't wait to see what this SF is like in future generations.

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