Pics of the still head can be found here. ... 0#p7000820
Running all this on a full size keg, and a 60,000 btu burner
(burner seen here ... ?locale=en" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow)
Anyway, just sitting by keeping watch as i do a cleaning run on it.
Have a few questions tho.
1) Ive got a mixture of 4:1 vingar water in it right now (5l vinigar 15water) IS that to weak of a strengh. Dont know what compelled me to dump that much water in there, just sorta what happened.
2) how long does a setup like this take to reach temp?? I kinda goofed and used cold water outta the hose to fill this thing. Prolly coulda saved some time getting the water boiling on the stove/kettle ahead of time. But ive had the burner on now for about 30-40 min and my temp at the top of the column appears to be stuck at about 40-42c .
3) got a standard size propane tank, does that normally last a guy a whole run? or do you have a second one on hand??
thanks for you help
EDIT: right before i stared typing that up, i turned the heat up a bit. And just as i clicked submit i could smell the vinigar, shes steaming good now boy