Prayers wanted

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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by Coyote »

Lost my Dad on Saturday Husker. So we can grieve together.
Looks like you had a wonderful celebration.

May God bless and keep you and yours

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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by midwest shinner »

That sounds like a very beautiful celebration Husker, I am very sure your wife was smiling down on you all. She is a lucky lady to have a great husband carrying on her memory in that way, a lot of people just mourn their loss and I really don't think that is what anyone would want for their loved ones. I hope I can be as good for my soon to be wife, Lord knows I try...
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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by Husker »

MS, no, Barb made if VERY clear that she did not want people simply sitting around morning her passing. If it would have been her way, we would have all be very drunk, laughing, all in the men in kilts wrassling in the mud, and having a very ruckus time with bagpipes playing in the background. She did not have a drop of Scottish blood in her AFASK, but a thinking of a celebration like that is what would bring a smile to her face. Actually, she wanted no celebration at all. We had no wake, no funeral, and no burial. That was all her wishes, and everyone was fully aware of her wishes. She also did not want any remembrance party at all, but to that one, I simply looked her in the eye, and said "F you! that is not for you at all, it is for everyone else". I never would tell that girl no for ANYTHING she wanted. A reply like that (and the quote is 100% what I said), floored her a bit, her bottom jaw almost hit the ground. However, I think she realized that she was being pretty selfish in some of her final wishes. We never spoke again after that of a celebration, but she knew it was going to happen. Every single other wish was honored by all, even though many such as her parents were not overly happy with the choices. However, they respected and honored her memory and wishes exactly as she had wanted, and had told everyone how it was going to be.

Coyote, I will certainly raise a glass for your dad's passing. No one can feel or know your pain, so all I can do is pass along my deepest condolences. It certainly is a blessing to have been able to spend time with him so close to the end. We do always want a little more time, but we are not the ones in charge of time. We simply get left in charge of how we use the time given to us. Use it well, friend. Honor his memory and legacy. Living a good life, while keeping them in our heart, IS the best way we can honor our parents and carry forth their legacy.

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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by Oxbo Rene »

So sorry to hear, god bless ...........................................
It is not the matter, nor, the space between the matter,
but rather, it is that finite point at which the two meet,
that, and only that, is what is significant...........
(Of course, I could be wrong) ..........
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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by blind drunk »

Looks like a beautiful celebration to Mrs Husker. I've been struck by what an amazing family you have, Jim. Take care.
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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by Husker »

BD, THANK YOU so much for the help you gave to me, near the end. It was simply too late for her. She was kept alive by the chemo to see little Oliver's birth and a few months with him. But in the end, that same chemo is what killed her. She was pretty much dead since last Feb, it was simply dumping in about 16 units of blood, 3 of plateletts, 2 white, and a shit load of antibiotics and other things over about 8 hospital stays this year, kept her with 1 foot in this world.

This is why she did what she did the last year, and put up with so much more misery, when she could have justly let nature take it's course last fall.
The reason for the last years painful treatments.
The reason for the last years painful treatments.
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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by F6Hawk »

Words cannot describe my reaction to your post and the sending off you gave your wife, Husker. And I'm not the least bit ashamed to tell all of you I am crying right now. Don't know you or your wife, but I feel your pain. I wasn't there when my mom left us, and she didn't want anything, no funeral, no memorial. She just wanted to go. My family had a little get-together, just my dad, siblings, and one real close friend (I wasn't able to attend). But it was her wish to go quietly, and she did.

Stay strong for the young ones, miss her always, and cherish all that you had together. Of all the loves in this world, I think that of a good spouse, a parent, and a child are the three best. God speed to you, Husker.
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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by Rastus »

Mr. Husker,

for a while i lingered in these pages wordless, of what to say, for i myself have recently had to carry the pain of the sudden loss of one of my sons a short time ahead of your loss.

although it seems so cruel for the good lord to put us through such unbearable and agonizing pain, it also causes us to ponder the significance and greatness of the joy and love we each have with all of our loved ones, especially sweet is the remaining children with whom we still have the future to look towards.

I experienced some curious things that caused me to feel deeply the comfort that they who have passed along are not alone, they are at peace, and finding comfort in that has given me personal strength.

I embrace you spiritually and wish you too will find your peace, it hurts like hell, but as they would have wanted, we walk onward. i myself am searching a way to memorialize him. feeling the great loss of watching him grow further into his life.

i am awed bye the great out pouring of support and comfort given by this amazing bunch of good souls... spirits? :wink:

thank you for sharing and god bless.

hang in there...

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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by Slow & Steady »

I want to thank you Husker for sharing this part of your private life with all your extended distilling family... you have touched my life in ways I can't find words for... thank you, and bless you.

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Re: Prayers wanted

Post by rumplestiltskin »

Just stumbled on this. I cannot imagine what your going through. Kinda puts all the trivial crap into perspective. Thoughts and prayers to you.

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