This is an electric system, so that box contains an electric heater. The Revenoor system circulates hot mash while it's running, draining from the bottom fo the still and depositing back into the top, which functions as a pre-heater. No heater inside the still itself unless you opt for steam coils.
The little gray box on top of that is the electrical wiring for the system.
If only the best birds sang, the woods would be silent.
knuklehead wrote:Hey pothead, that is the setup you need, then you could get started on your stockpile
I'd have no problem getting a stockpile with just a keg setup. I'm taking my time now because I don't have the extra money for the parts that I need. I am going to use an 18"x 1 1/2" tower with a threaded male end at the top of the tube, then a threaded female end with the elbows and reducers, then a quick disconnect (i'm not quite sure where to get them , but it's what I want, anyway) at the end of that for the liebig condensor. I eventually want to make it so that I can set it up as a pot or reflux. But I can only buy 1 or 2 pieces at a time. And I need to learn more about building an efficient reflux.
"Be nice to America, or we'll bring democracy to your country."
"The best things in life aren't things."
"Imagination is more important than Knowledge"-Albert Einstein
My wife took one look and this and just rolled her eyes. Then she helped me off the floor and told me not to get any ideas. This is like a gun enthusiast having his own tank.
hey uncle jessy tell us the truth, did you paint that on photoshop just to get us exited?
I thought a simple boiler with a column was complicated and hard to make, but this is out of this world, are you sure it is just for a home distilling hobbist?
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--Fishing and Distilling... What else is there to do???.--
They make these systems to sell for alcohol fuel. Let's face it, you can run a lot of farm equipment on corn whisky! Or you can make your own professional hooch with it as well.
Uncle Jesse wrote:This is an electric system, so that box contains an electric heater. The Revenoor system circulates hot mash while it's running, draining from the bottom fo the still and depositing back into the top, which functions as a pre-heater. No heater inside the still itself unless you opt for steam coils.
The little gray box on top of that is the electrical wiring for the system.
Kinda makes me wonder how much heat is lost from the heater to the still. I am REALLY suprized that the copper lines aren't insulated.
"Be nice to America, or we'll bring democracy to your country."
"The best things in life aren't things."
"Imagination is more important than Knowledge"-Albert Einstein
not too much is lost. Revenoor suggests you insulate if you wish. My 10 gallon copper still is very sensitive to big dips in ambient temperature. copper conducts almost too well at times.
If only the best birds sang, the woods would be silent.
I noticed over at, they have 32L fermenters. 4 of these, each with 25L wash gives you 100L to work with. The keg I have is 15.5 gallons, could two batches of 50L each. In the end you'd have about 5 gallons of spirit.
Add some supply and waste lines, got yerself a mini system! What kinda pump would you use though? The impeller would have to be food safe, no?
And hopefully take some good ideas from those who have gone before and integrate them into our own systems to make production easier and quality better.
If only the best birds sang, the woods would be silent.