Potential idea for Boca slant-plate (may improve?)

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Potential idea for Boca slant-plate (may improve?)

Post by BlackSOL »

Granted, the Boca Slant-Plate does a good job from what I've seen posted, but maby just an extra step and might be able to improve it a tiny bit more. Due to the 'tab' on the lower plate, the liquid will tend to propogate there before dropping back to the packing, well...how about this?

Lower plate where it meets to column, up the angle just a few degrees, and physically bend it inside the column, so that it becomes lower in the center, but still at a height to be able to cover the collection tube. IE the plate in connection with the column is higher than the center of it, therefore forcing the liquid collected to more drip toward the center of the packing even more, and still have the tab sticking down to further guide it more towards center.

Sorry I don't have drawings yet on this, but it's what I've been thinking about to potentially make it a tiny bit more efficient (NO GOOD at drawing, thats for sure), but hope some of you get the idea behind it. Think it's just too much work instead of just upping the reflux, or potentially viable?
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Re: Potential idea for Boca slant-plate (may improve?)

Post by googe »

You hurt my brain!, do you mean a v type.shape instead of just straight plate?.
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Re: Potential idea for Boca slant-plate (may improve?)

Post by meatheadinc »

You will still need a tab or extended low point to stop reflux running down the under side of the plate and onto and down the column wall.
Don't quite get what you are trying to do.
I have a 3/4" to 1/2 reducer soldered to my tab/ bottom plate to conect a reflux bypass tube for my vapour only botanical basket. I found no difference form just a tab and the reducer tube.(2" boka 60" column)
At this scale as long as its not all going down the walls you won't find much gain.
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Re: Potential idea for Boca slant-plate (may improve?)

Post by BlackSOL »

I know, it's not really clear without a picture, that is true, BUT, you gave me an idea on a 3rd version (god I hope I got enough copper for the V shaped one :lol: Since I can't draw worth a darn, picture the slot cut as usual, but upward just a few degrees to allow for this. The only thing different thats done is that after it's welded/soldered in (and before you put the top plate in), you pound a steel or wooden ball down onto the plate, making it slightly concave on and near the edge of the plate, therefore helping guide the fluid more toward the tab in the center by making the center of it lower than the rest on that plates edge.

I hope you all follow me on this, because when I build the boca, it's going to be able to be totally interchangeable on height, head, cooling type (I've also built a very different type of coldfinger, but that I'll pop in later in a different thread since it's a totally different ball of wax as compaired to this thread), anyways, like in my welcome, I'm creative, but keeping it realistic as I do believe by liquid dynamics, it just might be a potential improvement, I just gota get the darned thing BUILT to try it out :ewink:
Shan, Shadow, S***Head,"Hey You"...I can answer to em all
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