What's your cover story?

Little or nothing to do with distillation.

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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by Dnderhead »

goose eye
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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by goose eye »

not to be confused with atf or ale or abc etc....
so all yall in the states dont think there folks tryin to justyfy there jobs from bein cut keep on
thinkin that

so im tole
Popcorn Fan
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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by Popcorn Fan »

I was aked why I had 12kg of white sugar and 8 kg of raw sugar by the girl on the checkout. I said the white sugar makes vodka and the raw sugar is for rum.
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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by Mud Mechanik »

I was asked by a grocery store clerk why the copper scrubbers had to be pure copper and not copper plated or coated, I told them that pure copper won't scratch my pans 8)
Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway----John Wayne
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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by father william »

I was asked by a grocery store clerk why the copper scrubbers had to be pure copper and not copper plated or coated, I told them that pure copper won't scratch my pans
Take a magnet with you to the store. The plated ones are almost always plated onto magnetic steel. If they're plated onto stainless, they'll work fine.
If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?

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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by SuburbanStiller »

Y'all buy from some nosy store clerks. Building my rig and getting the first few washes together, I've made dozens of trips to 5 different hardware stores, 2 different locations each of target/walmart/winco, 6 grocery stores, and a restaurant supply house that required a biz lic just to get in the door. I live in the suburbs of a major metro area and not a one has asked me what I was buying stuff for. Bless the Lord for clerks hired from the ranks of bored teenagers and disgruntled senior citizens yanked out of retirement.

If asked, I always figured I'd just give a sheepish grin and say "My wife is pregnant, so when she gives me a list and tells me to get to the store, I hop to!" The truth is always nice to fall back on. (she's expecting Feb 1 if anybody is counting..)
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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by jacdev »

Have no need for one. In a country where one of the main exports is alcohol, law enforcement really doesn't give a crap about people making their own shine :mrgreen:
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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by hoody »

I tell them it's for a still, they normally get excited and even more willing to help.

Man, it aint till you read all these story's of "undercover-ness" that you realise what you quiet often take for granted.
Gotta love our law's.... 8) 8) 8)

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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by Jasonr »

The other day I was walking out of a grocery store in my city. Had my brother in law with me and he was carrying 2 cases of qt jars and I had some apple cider and juice with me. Guy walking in took one look, gave us a thumbs up and said "Apple pie, right on brotha!"

I'm always trying to find mason jars at the best price. Was in tractor supply co. the other day and had my mom out with me. Told my mom to ask for jars while I grabbed sweet feed and corn. We'll as I'm pushing it up to the register, the cashier started laughing and said "sorry we don't have sugar sweetie."

I get my sugar from a local bakery that was my first job growing up so there's no problem buyin 100lbs of sugar at a time from them.

When people ask what I need any hardware for I usually respond with something like "trying to help a buddy out. Once I figure out what he's fixing, I'll let you know." Give me a slight chuckle and they'll do the same.
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Re: What's your cover story?

Post by toast860 »

I stole my line for the plumbing shop from someone signature. " I tell them I building a copper espresso machine" but when I walk out of the local grocery store with 5 10 lb bags of sugar. the clerk lady said" now that's a lot of sugar I said going to make a lot of sweet tea' she said whats that I answered its good try it.
but my father in law works in a big rec places for pratt and whitney and the plumber is one of his friends so he asked him if he had any 2 in parts that he could come off. they guy looked at him and asked "pot still" he answered how did u know. he found out the guy does the same thing. but to end it a little short I got 2 elbows and nice connection for parts at whole sale..
if you cant build a paper airplane, then leave the rocket alone.
its like wiping before you poop, dont make sense.
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