- will detail the build as a how to at a later date (if i haven't made a critical oversight somewhere) as i see a few noobs myself included looking for a forum approved fully supported DIY build with all the basics that seem too basic to mention

Anyway cost about £300 all in for all the tools and kit, (well £350 but got some enzyme, spare triclamp and lots of spare copper) heres the pics, sorry about the shaky work, must have been too excited

only problem i met in the cleaning runs was the a bit of huffing which was easily resolved with a bit of this stuff at the end of the tube to get the nice stream pictured above:

now to get my sugar washes cleared up and ready to go- first ones almost done bubbling

only issue is the odd leak from the tubing- need to find some extra jubilee clamps, but having tugged at them no risk of them coming off when they are properly fastened, the leibig length is probably overkill but i figured i might as well, nuthin wrong with a bit of extra length

when i get a bit more daring i might have some fun with coil condensors etc but was v easy and cheap and the water up here in scotland is free and freezing