I picked 50 pounds of Loring and Tex Royal peaches this summer to make wine with. I halved the peaches, pitted them, and put them into the freezer. I got busy and was not able to start on the wine until i realized i needed to free up some freezer space for deer. Once i thawed the peaches i crushed them with the bottom of a mason jar and my hands. I originally put everything in carboys to ferment because i didn't have any clean buckets, but decided to go to home depot and grab a few clean ones. I cut a 3" hole in the top of the lids and taped a few layers of cheesecloth underneath to keep any flies out.
I put equal amounts in each bucket
After a few days the peaches started rising to the top. It got to about 2" from the top but never went over
I stirred the must twice a day. Before work and when i got home. Day 4 this how much it bubbled once i stirred
Today was 8 days since i started. The peaches broke down really good. I squeezed every drop out of them and strained everything through a mesh bag twice. Ended up with 7 1/4 gallons. I will update as i go along.
I am not going to yell at you for HD buckets. I have questions though. Did you use any particular wine recipe? Did you add "x" amt water and "Y" amt of sugar, or use plain juice? I saw the sugar bags jn the photo so I guess you did use sugar. You should be on the lookout for a larger fermenter like the sixe of large pool chlorine buckets or feed storage barrels for that much fruit as it would make life easier and everything more consistent. Jimbo makes a lot of fruit wines and some others on here made a lot of peach this year to make brandy out of. None of it must have been worth a damn as I havent seen anyone bragging on it yet. Good call on the open fermenter though if you hadnt done thst itwould have been everywhere! Good luck.
GA Flatwoods.
send me a quart of them peaches for some cobbler and vanilla ice cream!
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
Ga Flatwoods
ga flatwoods wrote: Jimbo makes a lot of fruit wines and some others on here made a lot of peach this year to make brandy out of. None of it must have been worth a damn as I havent seen anyone bragging on it yet.
This is my first peach wine. Im new to wine making too so im kinda learning as i go. As far as the recipe it basically called for half the pounds of sugar as fruit, yeast nutrient, pectic enzyme. I wanted a sweeter wine so i decided to use less sugar. I ended up using 17 pounds of sugar to 50 pounds of fruit. My sg was wayyy off. I guess i should have added a little at a time and checked my reading each time . It was 1.160 and that was with No water. So i went to do some adjusting and i knocked my hydrometer off the counter and it of course broke. It took 5 days for my new one to come in. I then split the must into equal parts in each bucket and topped with water to bring each to a few inches from the top. I added 3/4 gallon water total. When the hydrometer finally did come in i checked my sg and it was at 1.010 . I added everything to carboys not long after. I guess ill have to see how it turns out. Keeping my fingers crossed
The wine is still very young, 5 months. I hear peach needs to age at least a year. According to my vinometer the wine is at 13.5% . It is slowly starting to clear. I have noticed on this wine and my current blackberry wine, they clear much slower than muscadine wine. I will hit it with a clearing agent here in the next month or so.