Getting things together for a new 3" build thanks to a friend of mine dropping off some pipe. I have been itching to give one of Dad's Condensers a try. This is what I whipped up in about 20 minutes. No salt, no soldering no kinked tubes or frustrations. All 1/2" corrugated stainless, very thin walled, fits nicely in a 3" pipe. Might add a couple of scrubbers but it probably doesn't need it.
Hounddawg, I hate to be the one to tell you, but you got it all wrong. Send it to me, and when I'm done re-winding it (and testing it out fer ya), I'll send it back.
I scored a 25' roll of the gas pipe from Home Depot on clearance for $25 and change (so I have plenty for any future experiments too). The fittings were like $7 each though. I could have just used rubber hose and a clamp but I got shark bite fittings and pex piping that will hook right up to it.
Right now I am going to put it in a regular 3" slant plate boka. I like the products I have gotten from my 2" I just didn't like the slow speed. I will use 48" of lava rock packing. I can modify it later if I want.
Thanks Dad! I have to say it was much easier than the copper nightmare I have in my 2". I just used the fittings because it will my current pex water system will hook right up to them. I'll follow your lead and throw in a couple scrubbers for good measure.
This condenser works great. I put a little copper mesh around it and in the middle as DAD suggested and it knocks down everything my 3" can throw at it with my propane burner at full blast. I can bring the column up to flood stage and not loose anything out the top.
Well I just saw a video for Odin's IStill that was cool as hell! That is some bad assed equipment Odin! (that is a compliment in redneck American) I couldn't help but notice that he also used the same stainless condenser (although did a MUCH better job at making it) in this most high-tech still on the planet.
It appears that he got 1/2" to wind tight enough to fit a 2" pipe also. Since it is running in glass you can see it's efficiency in action. I recommend doing a search on YouTube for IStill and see what you find.
Just wondering what length of pipe went into making that condenser please? I can get it in 18 inch lengths - I'm thinking I'll need to join 2 up...
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I must have used 5 feet or so. It would be counter productive to join little pieces. Are you in the US? You can look in many hardware stores for a gas appliance flex connector. They sell GE ones at Home Depot in the appliance section that are bare stainless. Or you can order any size you need from these guys, or there is always eBay......
Nice job Hound Dog. I just order 25' off fleabay. It is the last piece to my stainless puzzle. Looks like you did a great job. Hopefully mine will look as good.
I am sure you can do better! If you don't like the results, you can unwrap it and do it over in minutes. You will see the stuff is very thin and easy to work with. Check out the job Odin did with it on his IStill if you look it up on YouTube.
Mikey-moo wrote:Just wondering what length of pipe went into making that condenser please? I can get it in 18 inch lengths - I'm thinking I'll need to join 2 up...
Don't quote me on this, but if I remember my reading correctly, it doesn't take much of the 1/2" to knock down vapors, less than copper coil, because it has such a large surface area. Look around DAD'S threads or a thread about corrugated ss gas line.