I am making vodka using a 2" x 4' column with a proportional splitting head which allows me to vary reflux ratio anywhere between 100% reflux down to zero reflux.
During several runs I have seen that it is possible to take out product very fast during the early hearts (3.7 liters per hour when using minimal reflux with a boiler charge of 30%~40% ABV), on a 2" column.
The premise is this: As long as the vapor temperature is held constant to within 0.1-deg C then I can take out alcohol at azeotropic conditions. Sure I lose column stability but I can easily restore that by doing 100% reflux for a few minutes, then take product out again. I do have several thermometers on the column and these tell me the purity of the alcohol in there, and also when I need to reflux some more.
Towards the end of the hearts When my boiler temperature is >98 deg C, I do 100% reflux for some time then take out the remaining alcohol at zero reflux, open valve all the way until the vapor temperature increases by 0.2-deg C then shut down. I have been able to shorten my run time by using my still this way but I have to watch it and adjust the splitting valve as needed to keep the vapor temperature down.
I am now considering using this same "dump" method (minimal reflux, right after doing equilibriation) for taking out the heads. If the column has done its job then all the heads should be up there ready to be taken out in a few dumps rather than slowly like a few drips per second. I can imagine that the column is a separate heads column while the heads are up there....... just imagination.
What do you guys think?