Hello........ and WOW!

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Hello........ and WOW!

Post by Garand69 »

I have been lurking around here and the parent site for a few days now and all I can say is Holy Schnike!!

I have had a life long interest in the "Art of Moonshining" so to speak and even fooled around with it a bit in my younger years using the Foxfire book for some guidance, though never to a serious level. I inherited a 90 year old "Family Heirloom" about 20 years ago and while I would love to make a batch in it, I think I will simply start my journey going the beer keg route. Maybe after some experience and a lead test kit, I will run a batch through it.

For now I have been immersed in this forum and have a ton of info floating around in my head. I have gone through several stages over the past week.... going from getting my toes wet to drowning in a tsnumai of what at first seems like contradictions and than slowly floating back up to understanding.

A hundred cooks will tell you a hundred different ways to make the best stew ever.... and for the most part they are all right. I see a lot of that here, but with any reciepe, you need to stick with it until you master it (ie; what this seasoning does and when to add it, what cooking method, etc etc) and THEN you experiment. Surfing around here, I have finally distilled my thoughts enough to settle on a simple still design and a simple recipe, and I'll begin the journey with that.

I look forward to the adventure!
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Re: Hello........ and WOW!

Post by googe »

Welcome mate, your old still sounds interesting, got any pictures?. Good luck with your adventure.
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Re: Hello........ and WOW!

Post by Braz »

Welcome Garand. Sounds like you have a good grasp of the possibilities.
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Location: People's Republic of Ill-noise

Re: Hello........ and WOW!

Post by Garand69 »

Thanks everyone, here is a pic...

12" Dia and about 20" tall. It has had a few repairs and could use a couple more after a good bath. It was my Great-Great-Aunts and was used inTennessee prior to and long after prohibition.

Been on the Whisky diet awile now.... Just last week I lost 4 days!
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