who knows what you do?

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who knows what you do?

Post by Old Anarchist »

maybe this topic goes here. kind of at a loss of where else it would go.

basically just wondering if alot of people know you have a still. i got a bunch of parts from amazon and the UPS guy knows i'm up to something. I work at Lowes, and the plumbing guy knew right off the bat what i was doin. my mom came over and seen me putting it together. now my whole family knows.

i just told em all it was for drinking water.... except the UPS guy. he delivered the brewers yeast. which was marked on the package.....
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by bearriver »

You forgot about the thousands of members here that know, and the gov'ment.....
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by Old Anarchist »

bearriver wrote:.....and the gov'ment.....

The G-men! i forgot bout those guys!
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by bellybuster »

The plumbiNg guy knew instantly because he's built one too.... How else would he have picked you out of the thousands that come in looking for pipe and fittings.
The ups guy..... Trust me, he hasn't a clue what in your package unless he's new to the job and still curious.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by jarheadshiner »

bellybuster wrote:The ups guy..... Trust me, he hasn't a clue what in your package unless he's new to the job and still curious.
Now the mailman (USPS) is a different story! Especially if you live in a small town (me) and have known him your whole life. Nosy bastard!
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by aquavita »

I am surprised that many of the suppliers to the hobby put their darn name and logo on the packaging for all the world to see. Those that have done that, I'll try not to buy from again. :thumbdown: Seriously, to have the work "Still" in any logo, company name or on the return address....

Good news, the brew hobbyist supplier that I buy from has their logo all over the place. Kinda helps to cammo my other purchases. :)

I will say that those in my family that have a clue about what I do, I have simply told them that "It's legal like brewing beer and making wine as long as I do not sell it"... and to a person they all are like "Oh, that makes sense".
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by googe »

My family know, and a couple of close friends, the plumb supply always asks, what ya making, oh, just beer. My hardest job is keeping the missus from.telling everyone :crazy:
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by jarheadshiner »

googe wrote:My hardest job is keeping the missus from.telling everyone :crazy:
I have the same problem googe. Usually when I remind her that unless she likes the idea of moving back in with her mom and visiting me in the joint, then it might be wise of her to keep a lid on it :esurprised: Of course this must be repeated regularly to be effective.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by googe »

jarheadshiner wrote:
googe wrote:My hardest job is keeping the missus from.telling everyone :crazy:
I have the same problem googe. Usually when I remind her that unless she likes the idea of moving back in with her mom and visiting me in the joint, then it might be wise of her to keep a lid on it :esurprised: Of course this must be repeated regularly to be effective.
I'll use that line jarhead lol. She's more.proud than anything, just wants everyone to know how clever I am she says. I say, there's thousands of clever people doing it, it's the shop buyers that are dumb lol.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by IrishEnigma »

I have a friends and all my family knows. The difference is it's not illegal to own a still here, and I can guarantee 80%+ of the people that see it, would have no clue what it is, cops included. If anyone were to question it and I didn't think they were trustworthy, would just tell them I'm planning on brewing my own beer.

Hell most of the people here don't even know it'sillegal
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by bellybuster »

IrishEnigma wrote: The difference is it's not illegal to own a still here,

Hoiw do you figure that? State laws don't trump federal
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by IrishEnigma »

Owning a stilvaries state to state if i I remember correctly, and I remember reading Maine is a state that allows stills for anything other than alcohol and illegal substances.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by distillerator »

There are a handful of people in my town that have stills. I'm finishing a small tabletop one today (1.5L) and had to buy parts at the local hardware store. The night manager asked what I was making. I told him "a distiller" and he just got excited and told me to bring some in sometime. I'm not the least worried about it
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by bellybuster »

federal law still dictates that owning one is illegal. Just so that you are aware. No matter how you look at it, it's illegal in North America, US or Canada, regardless of state or provincial laws.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by IrishEnigma »

Probably read it on a site trying to sell stills then. I know clawhammer states that it's not illegal to own a still at all no matter what size as long as it's not used for alcohol.

I'm in no way arguing bb but it should be recognized.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by Old Anarchist »

as far as i know you can own one, everything is pretty much legal except for liquor and drugs. in GA. you can brew beer legally and make wine.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by distillrook84 »

My parents, my moms friend (funny story), my best friend of 25 years.

I was attempting to make a boiler at my parents house due to the tools available and I have been working on it for a week or so. One of my moms old friends called that she had not talked to in 10 years or so. I walk by and just happen to barely hear, "Oh guess what my son is making...." (I was also building my first AR15 at the time and I figured she was going to say a gun) "...he is making a moonshine still". I just about flipped. I said, "you don't tell people stuff like that." Of curse she didn't understand why? so I said "I don't go telling people you grow pot plants" out load so her friend could hear me. and she was like "I dont, blah blah blah...". (she does not but I wanted to make a point) I said now you know how it feels. All while her friend was on the phone. needless to say she calls it my "stuff" now. "you making your stuff" "you reading about your stuff". Unknowingly I turned "still" into a bad word.

Who knows her friend probably now thinks that she grows pot and I make moonshine. lol.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

distillrook84 wrote:My parents, my moms friend (funny story), my best friend of 25 years.

I was attempting to make a boiler at my parents house due to the tools available and I have been working on it for a week or so. One of my moms old friends called that she had not talked to in 10 years or so. I walk by and just happen to barely hear, "Oh guess what my son is making...." (I was also building my first AR15 at the time and I figured she was going to say a gun) "...he is making a moonshine still". I just about flipped. I said, "you don't tell people stuff like that." Of curse she didn't understand why? so I said "I don't go telling people you grow pot plants" out load so her friend could hear me. and she was like "I dont, blah blah blah...". (she does not but I wanted to make a point) I said now you know how it feels. All while her friend was on the phone. needless to say she calls it my "stuff" now. "you making your stuff" "you reading about your stuff". Unknowingly I turned "still" into a bad word.

Who knows her friend probably now thinks that she grows pot and I make moonshine. lol.
Sounds like one hell of a good family to know.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by Cav Scout »

My mother in law was visiting and walked out on the back porch when I was doing a run... Made my butt pucker because I didn't want anyone to know what I was doing. She's seen me start batches of wash, but I've told her it's beer I'm trying to make and I just can't quite get right. Really it is beer, it's just distiller's beer but she doesn't need to know that. Anyways, she saw my whole set-up and she asked what I was doing. I told her I was pasteurizing my beer. I guess you could say was doing that too, from a certain point of view. I'd just bullshit people and tell them you're making beer, or a doomsday prepper making a water distiller.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by Hound Dog »

Heck I don't make liquor, I'm just making some wine taste better with my wine purifier. :D
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by ncdiver2 »

Inherited a CM and wanted to modify coolent being careful buying parts from different dealers only paying cash right? Went to one place and asked for a 2" to 1 1/2 reducer guy behind the counter asks "what kinda still you building holy crap dude floored me I mumbled some lame excuse grabbed my part and broke camp backed out the parking lot so he couldn't see my taghttp://homedistiller.org/forum/posting.php?mode=reply&f=15&t=46855#" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by bellybuster »

Hound Dog wrote:Heck I don't make liquor, I'm just making some wine taste better with my wine purifier. :D
good one
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by Truckinbutch »

Don't dismiss them UPS guys . Got 2 that regularly deliver at my house . Both of them have become regular visitors at my house after working hours after paying attention to what they were delivering .
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by RandyMarshCT »

All my friends, most of the people in my family, the people at the local liquor store, brewmasters from 2 local breweries, my LHBS guys (and girl), the local abco gas dealer, local fab shop, local distillery owners.... I don't try and hide it much anymore.
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Re: who knows what you do?

Post by stillin »

Like Irish Enigma said, most if not all the people that know I make it think it's legal for personal use and I don't tell em no different!
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