I am new to this but have done a lot of reading of various posts and it seems that most of you say you collect the heads (sweet stuff) and middle run seperately.
My really simple newbie question is why.???
If I am going to add scotch or rum favors to the neutral spirits and I like it sweet when I drink it, why cant I just collect it all together, put it all on carbon and then add the favors.
You can do this for sure. Lots of people use the "sweeter" heads for liqueurs so you are not doing anything different. The desire to separate the heads is to have the option of purer (not sweet) middle run product because that is what they like. Whisky makers also tend to include more heads and tails than, say, vodka makers. So, it really is up to personal preference!
Like linw said you can do what you say with out any problem. Just make sure you collect and discard the foreshots before the heads come over. Only thing I would suggest to you is since you are a beginner collect the heads separate form the main body even if you will later mix them together anyhow. It will give you a chance to compare the smell and taste of the different sectors of your run. If you just put a large bottle under the collection tube and let it run you will miss out on the experience.
... I say God bless you, I don't say bless you ... I am not the Lord, I can't do that ... Dane Cook
Thanks Guys, I knew about the foreshots (Methanol) and always throw away that bit. Well infact I collect it and use it to clean windows and glass shower screen it works well.
I will try and collect the heads seperately next run. So I can see / taste the difference aways looking for new and better experiences
Do you guys flavor the middle run (vodka) you collect with scotch or rum flavors or do you drink it as vodka.
I flavour most of mine with gin essence. However, I have also been experimenting with soaking rum and whisky barrel chips. The rum chips certainly leach out plenty of flavour and colour. I also added some rum essence to the resulting rum leachate and it tastes pretty good to me but I don't consider myself to be an expert rum (or whisky) taster!
In the end, there are no rules here. It is your alco and your taste so do some experimenting.