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when people began discussing the coming fruit season and the discussion began to drift away from the original subject which seemed to greatly distress the Original Poster who suggested that if we wanted to change the subject we should start our own thread, so that is exactly what I'm doing.

It's late spring here in the PNW and cherries, berries and other fruits are beginning to ripen. As everybody here knows but everyone elsewhere may not the Seattle/Tacoma area is literally over run with blackberries, which leads people to think about blackberry brandy in addition to that the area used to be a major apple producing area so there are many many old neglected apple trees. There is also a free to the public park with more than 3300 blueberry plants free for the picking. This leads the thrifty distiller and wine maker a huge resource of free fruit limited only by the space, equipment and free time of the individual involved.
So even if you don't live in the PNW feel free to chime in and lets get carried away with fruity goodness.