First Run

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
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First Run

Post by Roobrew »

Did my first pot still run today. Had 14 litres wash and popped into still, took it up to around 60 deg c and turned on condenser. Took 200 mil of foreshots off then got the following. 1 litre 48 %, 1 litre 34 % and final litre was 15%..... does that sound about right? First litre very clear then tailed off to last litre which was slightly cloudy.

Now do I just throw them all together and then do a few more runs until I get enough to do a spirit run? Also can the product I got today be drunk as it is??? or would it be far far better after a spirit run?

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Re: First Run

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

I'm a rookie, too. Just far enough along to help you :P , although there are better people out there to respond. So first, yes, throw those together in a holding glass container until you can do a spirit run.

Which, btw, make sure you use 200ml jars or smaller for the spirit run.

And yes, it can be drunk now, it's safe. Essentially, you have the stuff that people that don't read up on distilling usually drink.

But your here for a better drink, right? Save up and do a spirit run. And make good cuts.
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Re: First Run

Post by Od1tspyd3r »

Roobrew, sounds like your headed down the right path. The real question is are u looking for a neutral or some the with more flavor. Either way collect your output in smaller amounts 200 or 300 ml at a time it will help you determine were you are in the run. 8f I may suggest read up on cuts. I read it 4 or 5 times b4 it sank in. My product is tons better thanks to cuts.
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Re: First Run

Post by Roobrew »

Thanks for the replies gents. I take it if I save enough up for a spirit run that I will get more final product than from the run I just did ....?? Then what is left after that I re run with more product from stripping runs?
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Re: First Run

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

Roobrew wrote:Thanks for the replies gents. I take it if I save enough up for a spirit run that I will get more final product than from the run I just did ....?? Then what is left after that I re run with more product from stripping runs?

So, I have a 5+ gallon boiler. I make 12-15 gallon of wash at a time. I run 3 stripping runs, which gives me almost 3 gallons of low wines (what you have right now in those liter jars). I then dilute to 35 percent, (4 or 5 gallons), and do my spirit run. I usually get about 2 gallons total before I'm done with that run, all in little jars.

When I pick the jars for my final product, I get almost 1/2 gallon of around 80 percent.

I dilute to drinking proof, about a gallon.

I fear i might be too conservative, I don't really know. I'm just trying to do things right.

Ain't a lazy man's game, by any means.
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Re: First Run

Post by Od1tspyd3r »

ShineonCrazyDiamond is right on, IMO its about what you like as far as being to conservative. Your both head down the right track, but what are you doing with you low wines adding to the next run?
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Re: First Run

Post by Justafarmer »

Shineon, you are dead on about the lazy man's game. Takes a lot of work to make just a little liquor.
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