HDNB wrote:MichiganCornhusker wrote:Jimbo wrote: I think their numbers are jacked.
When in doubt, go with HD

yep, a week with 3 or 4 1x1x1 cubes of ex-bourbon barrel in a quart of UJ tastes just like....bourbon. longer it sits the smoother and better it tastes.
6 if you are running low on sipping stock

and gotta get the job done.

the back story:
just wanted to add to this. i am following basically the same process that T-pee has outlined here, with small variation of 1" cubes, toasted at 380, medium char and "cask" stregth of 62.
I have a 3 gallon mother carboy that i fill with my best cuts and continually add likker and wood to, and take some for sipping. when it gets full i bottle it, leaving the wood and 3-4 quarts to start the next fill. the process cycle is about 3 months, and after a year it has a lot of wood in it.
the idea was/is to maintain a similar flavour profile, as time goes by.
the observation (so far):
my sipping stock is smooth, nice flavour not very complex but enjoyable, from what ive read on other's results... i think very similar. I would tell you that when i bottled my first UJ batch born and oaked (ex-bourbon barrel) 3/14 and bottled 6/14 (sans oak) that it was described exactly that way^.
from 3/14 to today i'd say the flavour profile of the sipping stock has remained the same.
BUT...i ran out and was too lazy to make the walk to the shop so i thought i'd pull a "legacy" bottle of 3/14 out and give it a go.
the wood flavour has changed dramatically. it has a very distict bourbon flavour, quite smoky and stronger. there is more vanilla, more floral and it seems that it has more bite. almost headsy. there was some charcoal from the wood that has settled out. so i'm retracting the "smoother" statement (for now- see what a few more months does), but definitely has a more complex and enjoyable taste.
this is different from 2 months ago. tasting the same bottling, it was not very complex, smooth and the flavour was "delicate" meaning... it was nice, not very strong but it decayed rapidly when put on ice. much closer to the original sipping stock, but i thought the flavour was geting lost in time. two months later, and it has made a big swing the other direction.
sorry for blathering, thought this was on=topic with T-Pees OP since the process is so similar, just wanted to add my interpretation of what a bit of time has done.

I finally quit drinking for good.
now i drink for evil.