HD novella

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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »

stolen truck!THE PAGOSA SPRING

Huge sheep killing mountain lion killed by MULE!
A large mountain lion that has been attacking sheep in the area was killed by a mule last night according to the new sheriff of PAGOSA Springs. The sheriff was riding the mule up into coyote canyon to investigate attacks, when the lion attacked. The sheriff was knocked out, when he came to he said the mule had killed the cat. There was a few people at the scene to attest to the mules heroics.

In other news a man in Muckalee creek is bemoaning the loss of his prized pick up truck. He claims a monkey in a cowboy outfit jumped in using keys it stole earlier.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

While eating grilled cougar , Butch had a chance to get his half brother Jed off to the side .
"Jed , with these special likker permits you are talking about I see a win/win situation . With a blanket right to do what we love and recover expenses for our craft without paying the grubberment for our expertise I see a way to make us all happy . Our top shelf product will be sought after in the market . That's our and your in to get the folks you are after . This stuff sneaks up on you so slowly that you are bringing back stuff you never even stole before you even realize it . Customers will be telling us about shit they never would have divulged otherwise just to make conversation .
>Problem is that you may have to have some exchange with that 'Bitch Daughter-Ex Wife Niece' to make this work . You up to that ?"
"I could put up with her if you could , Butch ,"replied Jed ."I got bigger issues in trying to dicker you out of that mule and both of us competing for Ms Corene's hand ."
Butch replied ,"We can continue to dikker over the mule . You keep offerin more to swap until I just can't refuse . As for Ms Corene ; she and I both know that I just tease her enough to keep her cheeks red and make her more appealing to the single guys . She knows that SOH is all the lady I can handle . You just get back to figuring how many of your 'proud of's' you want to give up to own that mule .
'Nother thing to consider is that we got to formulate a plan to eliminate that damned monkey . He's been disruptin things in this country for quite a while now ."
Any of the rest of you that think they might make the 8 second whistle with that 'Bitch Daughter' of mine are willing to try . Watch your wallet , fellers ! She's a crafty witch . Ask Jed ....................
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

"I would take you up on that challenge TB but the eight seconds of which you speak could easily turn into eight days and then the bitch would fall in love! I would have to leave then the world would be left with one more hellish crossed woman down on men in general. None of us need that so just pay me now and I will not touch her!" explained Flatwoods. TB just uttered a curse word and turned and walked out as he knew Flatwoods never had worn anything under his overhauls and had a foot a mile long to boot, TB was sure gravity had been an uneven ally to Flatwoods as compared to most men. :evil: He had a reputation for making whores out of church women and church women whores throughout the providence!
While TB and Flatwoods were besting each other Jed slowly eased off to himself and for lost in his thoughts and the situation he now found himself in. Had he made a bad decision in leaving the feds and attempting to come back home? How much he had sacrificed to be where he was today came to bear on his mind. "Hell, I ain't even who I claim to be! I have lied to others so long that I have begun to believe my whole past for the truth myself even though it is bogus. He began to remember a night long ago in a place not so far from here where he first sat off down this road he now finds himself on....

It had been a long cold night. Joseph was starving. It had been a long stint since he sat at Mama's table and eaten a belly full of mustard greens topped with hot pepper vinegar from peppers made in the summers garden. Mama must have been really pissed at dad when she planted them cause they were hot as all tarnations! The cracklin cornbread had been smothered in butter and soaked in milk. The lima beans had been cooked all afternoon on the old wood stove with just enough of bacon from the smoke house to give it a real good flavor and a taste of meat. Times had been hard on the family and meat, especially beef and pork were rare around his mama's table. Maybe a chicken today as it was Sunday. It would be in dressing or dumplings as it had to go around to all seven head. Damn, just thinking about it made his stomach hurt more! Joseph rolled another cigarette and poured the last of the coffe from the pot that had sat on the stonework all night. Thankefully the still had been located in a tucked away washout in the side of a ravine that helped contain the heat a little more than had it been in the open. A fog hung in the air as dawn was cracking and Joseph was sure a frost had fallen during the night in the rest of the valley. As he sat the coffe pot back on the stonework, he heard voices approaching. He knew it was Pa cause they hadnt tripped the alarms and the dogs were wagging their tails.Joseph was glad to see him as it meant he could go home for a while and get some of Ma's biscuits smothered the remaining ofmsomeof last years syrup from the cane grindings. Thanksgiving was approaching and the supply would again be refilled. Joseph thought for a second on the cane syrup cooking and agreed with himself that it was harder work than working the still. S M A C K! wtf! Jesse had walked up and slapped him across the cheek! Jesse snapped that he shouldn't have been day dreaming so early of a morning while working the still. Apology for the derelict deed was quick in coming! Jesse told his oldest boy to shut up and listen he had sumptin to say. Joesph forgot about his hunger for the minute. When the old man had something to say and announced such, he had learned long ago to stop and listen. Joseph had been raised in the church going every Sunday when not made to work the still. He would not go today. He would not see that pretty blond haired girl from up the valley that had taken a liking to him. Jesse inspected the still and what had been gathered. He was pleased at the boys night's work. Joseph was about to strike out for home when Jesse snapped at him reminding him he had said sumptin to say. Joseph stood at attention now. Jesse reached in his rucksack and pulled out his Bible. Seeing as how they wouldn't none be going to the church house today, Jesse would do the service himself. He started by taking off his hat, holding it on his heart , and set about to pray aloud. He thanked God for the family blessings and ability to see another Sunday. He asked for guidance in keeping their faith and face pointed toward his and forgiveness for the sins of past and present. To finish up he prayed for the quality of his spirits, protection of his boys, and a good sale to help support of the family in these darkest of days. Amen. Jesse the opened the Bible and read a scripture. It was of the prodigal son. Jesse has purposely chosen the passages as he recognized the look on Joseph's face when he was around "that Smith girl" or her name was mentioned. He witnessed that the son would never have gotten into trouble had he stayed home with the other brother and helped support the family. Joseph heard the message loud and clear. He had never gotten along with his Pa all that well and thought what a hypocrite now stood before him preaching God's word to them on Sunday when they would not be in regular attendance due to having to work the still. Jesse lead a single round of Amazing Grace and dismissed them to go home to do their chores before the rested up for the evening return. As Joseph left he swore to himself that he was gojng to do better for himself and his family, if only one day. His thoughts quickly returned to the buiscuts and cane syrup as he and his three brothers left for home.......

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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Now that pastor Smith's lovely daughter, Sarah was with his child, Joseph had few choices to make. He was committed to supporting the child financially, but there was no work to be had; only existance on the homestead. he had protested " there is no way i'm the one, that kid can't be mine!" but Doc had counted the days back to that godforsaken night when the town had it's spring break out and he had set to square dancing with her...and now 5 months later his lies were halfway to becoming the truth.

Joseph kicked a stone down the hill in frustration as he pondered his fate, stuck here on the ole man's stump farm scratchin' a living from the earth. It hadn't rained for the whole of the summer and the small crop had failed, hay was scarce for the critters and even mom's garden had taken a beating. They were able to draw water to keep the plants living, but the plants didn't care for the cold, alkaline well water and produced very little. Joseph Jedidiah Jamieson's ambitions for life in the big city and a powerful position with the FBI were slipping away from him, more like blown away from him like the tornado had done to that little town in Oklahoma last summer. His mama had known he was going places when his studies had been returning marks from the school at the head of his class. If he would have just paid more heed to her, or even understood what she meant when she told him "be careful who you love!"
Daniel, Joseph's younger brother said "quit dickin' around Joe, maams got some biscuits up at the house.Lets go!"
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Later that evening Joseph was out in the woods walking and thinking of how that tiny bit of pleasure was going to change his life forever. He would absolutely take care of Sarah and the child even though it meant sacrificing all the hopes that he had had of trying to make a better life for himself. He had a huge case of the if only's, but what was done was done. Sarah was sitting quietly in her room trying to digest another prayer lecture that her father had given her. Although he loved her and would do anything to help her he also wanted to make sure she knew that he was disappointed with her and what she had done. As she sat there she felt a slight pain deep in her womb, she had little twinges before but none of them felt like this. It slowly began to get more and more painful , like a severe case of cramps . The pain was getting worse as she called for her mother. Gritting her teeth and holding back her tears she begged for her mother to do something. Moments later they were in the old pickup heading to town to find the Doc.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

The old '32 dodge brothers had a tiny cab, no room for the three of them. Mrs Smith had joined Sarah in the box as the diminutive preacher Smith tangled with the gear box.
"Maam! " Sarah cried clutching at her mother's hand and squeezing hard. "Maam it hurts so bad!" she said, tears on her cheeks. Mrs did all she could to comfort her own baby, stroking her arm, "just breathe baby, breathe."
They bounded down the rough road, thankfully only a couple miles to Doc's place. the whole way preacher Smith making prayers to his God for the safe deliverance of the child. He had secretly been elated at the thought of a grandchild, even if outwardly he had been sternly lecturing morals and chastity.
Pastor Smith's own baby Sarah had come so late in life, when he was almost 40, he had thought many times he would meet his maker without knowing the joy of holding a grandchild of his own.
The old truck shuddered to a stop outside Doc's, the porch light coming on with all of the noise outside. Preacher Smith sprang from the cab and scooped Sarah in his arms. Mrs Smith trailed a half step behind still clutching her daughters hand when the door sprang open.
"Please help my baby!" Preacher Smith cried to the Doc and with tears streaming down his face, offered up her tired body to the Doctor's care.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

The doc carefully laid Sarah's tense sweaty body on his examining table. By this time the contractions were 2 minutes apart and Sarah was moaning loudly and rocking back and forth to try and quell the acute shooting pains. The doc checked progress and the baby's head was already crowning. They arrived to the docs without a minute to spare. He lifted sarahs legs and on the very next contraction he told her in a firm voice to PUUUUSH. She glared at him with mascara smeared eyes and the most intense possessed scowl on on her face that he had every seen. The pastor took a step back and with alarm and fear on his face said, 'is....is, she alright?'
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

"Jed!? Are you okay? You seem a million miles away somewhere!" ask Corene. „Yes, I am OK thank you. Just have a lot on my mind." Jed replied.
"Well it is time for everyone to go home. Do you have a place to stay tonight?" Corene asked as if an invite. Then she panicked and wondered what she had just done.,
Jed quickly answered back! "Well , i know where I would like to be Ms. Corene. Are you asking?"
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Intermission time again:

Same banjo picker boy as Corene posted below, playing a beautiful Little Wing on Mandolin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl6FwpT ... r6_Y-ylp9E" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

And where would that be Jed? She asked with a sly grin on her face, be honest now and don't be holding anything back. Jed just stood there and stammered a bit, well your little cabin is a really nice place and reminds me a lot of the cabin where I grew up. It brings back a lot of old memories of living in a simpler time when things were slower and more peaceful. Well she couldn't argue with that so she offered him a place to stay for the evening , in the morning he could mosey on back to TB 's place. She could also watch him closely and maybe get a little more of his story sorted out. They gave everyone their good nights and had a parting shot of Flatwoods likker and started towards Corene's cabin. It was a nice warm Indian summer type of evening , The stars were out and there was a slight breeze rustling through the trees as they approached the cabin. A single lite was all that lit the cabin as she unlocked the door, it was just a dim warm lite but that is all she usually kept on during the evening, No need for anything more, that would just be a waste , besides she liked how it made the cabin feel when she was rocking in her chair in the evenings . She quickly started a little fire in the fireplace and gathered some fresh linens and a pillow for Jed to set up on the couch. First thing Jed noticed , besides her butt in the tight jeans was the gun case in the corner, Not just one rifle but several. On the shelf of the case were a few knives and beside the guns were her bows and razor sharp arrows. This woman is dangerous but also inviting, I best mind my manners though my arm still has an ache to it from the other night. You going to be all right with the couch she asked ? Yes maam, was all he could get out. With that she grabbed her fiddle and sat down in the rocking chair and gazing into the fire started playing some soft melancholy tunes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nv57GrCIRs" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
As she played Jed could see a single tiny teardrop in the corner of her eye, He could see that there was so much more to her that no one seemed to see. It made him start to wonder why she had spent so many years alone depending on no one else but her own abilities. Was her show of strength a cover for the pain that she carried inside. She was definitely more complicated than anyone ever thought. He could hear the pain in her voice and she seemed to be crying out with her music.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

The depth of her emotion made Jed yearn. His chest was feeling tight, like a high school crush, and he could feel his heartbeat quicken as it pulsed in his chest. He listened to her play and sing and looking downward as if to hide the yearning in his face he stared at her beautiful soft feet keeping time on the lat floor, but the curve of her perfect feet just made the yearning grow.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

It took Jed back ten years or more to the morning his maam had woken him early. Barely concious, his mother had stood over him and welcomed him to the day by saying "that poor girl almost died last night"
Joseph sat bolt upright at the news and his mother continued "preacher man took her to doc's last night, and she had mis-carried that poor baby at 5 and a half months... never had a chance..." she trailed off, her eyes cast down to the corner of the room.
Joseph had hurriely dressed and set off for town at a good lope. As he breathlessly rounded the turn to doc's drive Joseph pulled up short. Preacher Smith was on the porch with his wife and the doc.
"how is she?" Joseph advanced cautiously
"haven't you done enough already?" Mrs Smith exploded with a fresh round of tears, turning on her heal and stomping accross the decking towards the back yard.
"perhaps you should move along son, and pray for forgiveness for your sins" the Preacher added.
The Doc, being more practical with his life lessons, suggested that Joseph should indeed come inside and see for himself where his poor judgement and self control had landed Sarah.
Joseph sttepped into the room where Sarah lay nad slowly approached the bed, reaching for her hand. "i'm sorry" softly rolled from his lips, just as Saraah pulled her hand back.
"we're done here." she said flatly
Joseph was dumbstruck.
"Joseph, i was only with you at the dance because i wanted to make Daniel jealous." "i had some whiskey, and that got me a little frisky... and for that i'm very sorry" she continued.
"but there is nothing holding us together anymore, so i want you to go." She said
Joseph stood riveted to the floor, his mind swimming. he was heartbroken and elated, and that left him standing there like a deer staring at the headlights of freight train bearing down.
"Just GO! Sarah demanded
And with that, Joseph turned and shuffled out the door. Past Doc, the preacher and his wife and down the gravel drive not hearing a word of what they had said to him. He had packed his bag at home, recounting the tragic story to his Maam as he stuffed his only change of clothes in the sack. Maam offered him some food for his trip to the city, along with a few coins she had squirrelled away over the years. Pressing them into his palm at the door she had hugged him tighly and whispered "i love you" in his ear.
Joseph turned and left the homestead and his family and himself behind, Jed set out resolutely on his journey to the big city.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

As the tune she was playing softly ended Jed mentally flipped a coin and , resolute , spoke ,
"This couch is pretty short for me . As a kid I liked to stretch out on a bear rug in front of the fire place . If you don't mind , I'll just move the blankets to there and enjoy that again ."
Corene rose and opened a closet . She reached in and came out with a very large bear rug and unrolled it on the floor . Stretching out on it , she looked him in the eyes and said ,
"Bring the pillows and blankets over ."

As the flames descended into embers they gazed deeply into each other's eyes .................................................................
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

While she was playing and gazing into the fire her mind was wandering , it had been a long time since anyone but her had slept in her cabin . Her senses were heightened and she was very aware of the feelings Jed was letting slip. As she played she could feel Jed's presence behind her and then felt the soft touch of his hands on her shoulders. Jed sensed the tension that she felt as he touched her and wasn't sure if he was going to wind up in an arm lock on the floor or enjoying the feeling of her soft skin . He could feel the tension slip away and marveled at the feeling of her skin, well defined muscles underneath her warm skin and soft as satin to the touch. She knew she was weak and crumbling under his gentle hands. He mentioned that the couch was very short and that he would rather sleep on the floor in front of the warm fire as it reminded him of home. He told her of the old bear that his daddy had killed and made a rug out of and put in front of the fire place. She asked him to excuse her for a minuet and she gently walked into her room. He could hear her rummaging through some things and as she returned his eyes sparked to life, There she was holding a big bear rug and wearing a loosely fitting sheer top that ended just above her knees. She looked at Jed and said I like to sleep in front of the fireplace too.
As they lay there in the light of the glowing embers, bodies close enough to feel the warmth from each other , Jed slowly ran his fingers from her shoulders and gently brushed the side of her breast causing an instant reaction , Her breath was coming quickly and there was a slight glistening on her body . As they lay there, eyes locked ,Jed slowly let his lips touch hers and could feel the fire raging inside the both of them. She was about to surrender to him when reality hit her . What are you doing ,she thought, you are going to make this mess even messier. She slowly stood legs still weak with yearning and walked back to her room and shut the door. Jed lay there , not knowing what he had done. A few moments later she came out of her room wearing her Denim pants , khaki shirt, boots and her hair in a pony tail with a cap on her head . She went to her cabinet and put her knife in it's sheath on her belt, grabbed her pack and slung her rifle. then grabbed her bow .She turned and looked at Jed, we can't get involved right now you and the boys have a lot of work to do and this will just cause more of a problem. I would just be a distraction, if anyone needs me I will be up in the Skodies. You can use the cabin as long as you need to, she turned and walked out the door and into the dark of the woods. Jed stood there speechless not knowing what to say or do.
It only took her a few seconds for her to be out of sight of the unlit cabin. Tears again began to flow as she walked. Was she doing this to protect Jed or to protect her self from ever loving again, and with loving, the fear of losing that love again.
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Re: HD novella

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Jed thought to himself, damn women over think everything! What in pray tell is wrong with a night of misplaced passion, heat, love, sweat, 2 bodies writhing together as one. But no. She got in her own head and ran oft. fine. fire's warm, and more predictable. Ill lay here and stare into its flames until I fall asleep, which may take a couple hours now, damn it.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Jimbo wrote:Jed thought to himself, damn women over think everything! What in pray tell is wrong with a night of misplaced passion, heat, love, sweat, 2 bodies writhing together as one. But no. She got in her own head and ran oft. fine. fire's warm, and more predictable. Ill lay here and stare into its flames until I fall asleep, which may take a couple hours now, damn it.
Spoken like a true man. Heck he didn't even run after me or try to stop me . I guess he has his reasons.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

No way he was taking this lying down! it had been a full ten years Jed had denied himself the pleasure of a woman, he sprang up from the hearth and busted through that front door almost tearing it from from the logs it was jammed in. tearing down the path to Muckalee creek, Jed sprinted into the trees headlong, a man possessed!
"Corene!" he called
No Answer
He knew she could not have gotten far even with her long lean legs accustommed to climbing the paths up and away from the cabin Jed knew she was within earshot, "Corene!" he called once more.
She stopped on the path leading up to the coulee. Standing on an outcropping above the flowing water, Jed spied her standing out, silouetted against the night sky. even from here he could make out her blonde hair plaited down her back and the broad brimmed hat cutting a shadow across high cheekbones in the moon light.
"Corene," Jed spoke softly "Corene I need you tonite. Come on down to the cabin, let us have a drink a relax. i have something i need to share with you. And I'm afraid it can't wait."
Her pulse raced. Corene knew if she let her resolve slip, there would be no coming back. Jed had matured into a handsome man, rugged and strong, the FBI had shown him discipline and taught him exercise and the last few days in the hills had only roughend his already chiselled features.
"Oh Jed" she said, slipping silently down the sheer rocks and into his arms "Jed take me now!" she urged, pressing her lips hungrily into his Corene bit down until she tasted the metallic, salty blood spring from Jed's lip.
Jed kissed back fiercely, cupping the back of her head, laid her quickly and gently to the forest floor. Corene was tearing at his chest as he fumbled with her stays, the earthy smells of the forest floor rising up in their nostrils, bringing their primal need to it's apex. Jed took her frantically, releasing ten years of tension and need, with Corene gratefully meeting his every advance, grinding out her inhibitions and worries until they collapsed in a sweating giggling heap.
"HMM Jed, i needed that" Corene said playfully tucking a loose strand of hair back on Jed's sweaty forehead, with a sloppy grin on her face.
"Whew!" "You Did?" Jed smiled back, with the look of contentment that only a decade without could bring.
Last edited by HDNB on Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

A few minuets later Jed closed his eyes and fell into a quiet peaceful sleep, when he awoke he was alone and she had gone . No traces no tracks left behind. As she walked through the night she couldn't help but think how foolish she was . Giving in so easily for a moment of pleasure, it made her feel cheap. She was sure that Jed had used his charm many times to get what he wanted, but what was done was done and she would not be easily found this time.
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Re: HD novella

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Jed awoke and found her long gone without a trace. He thought to himself, well that was predictable. I bet she's stomping through the forest feeling cheap and easy too, mulling it over and over in her head. Crazy ass women. Would have been nice to wake up curled up together and explore each other again.... since that first one didnt last but 30 seconds.
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Re: HD novella

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Rule #4 is not applicable here! Barely made third base before called "Out!"
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

That morning TB had headed down to the sheriff's office wanting to get a little more information on the free pass to making liquor that the Feds were talking about. As he was walking down the hall he heard a voice that sounded like Jeds , he was talking to a couple of fellas that TB didn't know . As he got closer he could here Jed talking about his amorous adventure with Corene the night before. Almost bragging is what it sounded like to TB . He couldn't hold back and stepped into the office and looked Jed square in the face. Jed . he said , I don't know what happened between you and Corene last night and It ain't my place to know. It also ain't anyone else place to know either. You are showing some of that city life that you are trying to leave behind. Round here folks don't kiss and tell. You are sounding like a feller that just bagged a trophy buck on opening morning, You need to show a little more respect for that moment you shared with Corene. By the way , TB said as he turned, Miss Corene is known to hold a grudge and if she finds out you been bragging about that night she is likely to make good on it.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Corene topped the second ridge a while before daybreak . Still arguing with herself about her life choices . The morning air lifting from the next valley carried unexpected smells to her alert nostrils . A hint of wood smoke , bacon cooking , biscuits baking , a touch of sour mash ? Out here in this uninhabited hill country ?
Her curiosity sparked , Corene began to injun off the ridge into the valley .............
>Not sure if it was my Tennessee stud or my dog that first noticed someone coming . They both alerted about the same time . Dog came over and nosed my leg at the same time the stud softly snorted . I was squatted
at the mouth of my snail shell furnace cookin up some breakfast after an all night run . I just naturally put the cookin gear on the ground , grabbed my rifle , and slid into the bushes outside my still site . A soft word quieted the horse and the dog . I eased my pistol in the holster to make sure it was ready for close work if I needed it and waited ...............

>I heered a bush rustle on the far side of the camp . Put my hand on the dog's back to caution her to remain quiet . She was all on alert and her damned tail was waggin ! Then I heard a woman's voice ,
"Hello the fire ?" I recognized that voice !
"Darn you ,Corene ! If you caused me to burn my biscuits ; I'm gonna spank that pretty ass until it is rosy red ! Come on in ." I left my hide and walked back to the still to check the biscuits in the dutch oven .
Giggling she said ,"That could be fun . What you doin way out here ?"
"Stillin . What's it look like ?" I set a coffee pot on the coals to start boilin . "Whatinhell you doin sneakin around here ? Light and set . Coffee and eggs will be done in a bit and we can have breakfast . My loss , the biscuits ain't burnt ."

>Full dawn was upon us when I finished fryin the eggs in bacon grease and the coffee got done boilin . I served us both up a plate and a hot cup and we settled in to eat .
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Breakfast over , I rolled a smoke and picked up my coffee which had cooled enough to drink . Corene was already sipping hers . I studied her through a cloud of Bugler smoke .
"Ya look troubled , gal . What is it ."
"Oh , it's that damnd Jed ."
> My jaw hardened . "If he has started in treatin you like that last feller you takened up with , half brother or no , I'll deal with him the same way ,'I growled , my anger risin fast .
>No , no , nothin like that . Just the opposite . I'm just afraid to let myself start caring for someone again . I don't want to be hurt another time . Nobody ever saw Ike again after he beat me so bad and you takened him to the woods to talk with him ."
"Ain't likely anybody will either . I put a value on my friends ."

>Corene quietly sipped her coffee as she digested the last comment . All I need to know about that subject , she thought . Then she began to speak to her friend about her current dilemma ,
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Intermission : this is going well .Looks like we will need a Moderator to edit the novella to shift posts to make the story time line flow better .
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

corene1 wrote:Corene walked through the forest heading towards the Scodies not sure of where she wanted to be. As she walked her head began to clear a bit and started thinking of things her grandma had said about men and it made her giggle. She remembered her saying , Corene, you know God made man with 2 heads unfortunatlely he only gave them enough blood to run one at a time. Corene chuckled out loud at that one. Then she started to think about Old Yellow Moon. He was an old indian that lived near her daddys old cabin when she was young . Besides her daddy he was the one she wouldspend her time with. She loved to go and listen to his stories about , what he called Mother Earth. The white man is a strange creature , he said. He is killing Mother earth for his own profit, he cannot live in harmony with her , instead he fights her at every turn. You Corene must learn to live in harmony with Mother Earth. It is in your spirit, if you try to live the life of the white man it will surely consume your spirit and who you are. Maybe there was some truth to what he was saying. As long as she stayed to herself and lived with the land she was content. She wished she could talk with him again, but he had long since passed. Maybe she would find some answers up here in the Scodies and her spirit could become balanced.
Her thoughts had taken her through the night and most of the day. The sun was starting to set and she thought it was time she found a place to make camp for the night. She was thankful that she had run into TB earlier that morning , the biscuits and bacon where all used up but it had kept her from having to make her own. TB was a fine man , honest and gentle , always ready to help. When he said good morning how are you doing today , he meant it.
The Scodies she thought , this is where a person can go to when they don't want to be found. Rugged mountains and thick forests with a few tiny meadows. Plenty of game up here and you would rarely see a human. Maybe an ocassional hunter but even they stayed away most of the time . As she was getting close to the top of the ridge she caught th escent of a campfire and thought she would track it down to see where it came from. If there was sombody up here she wanted to know who and where. As she topped the ridge and was working her way down the other side she caught a glimpse of a small meadow , that is where the smoke was coming from. As she approached the clearing she could see a tiny cabin with a hint of smoke coming from the fireplace. Who would be living up here she thought. Just then she heard the faintest sound of a footstep behind her , she spun around only to see the barrel of a shotgun pointed at her. Her mind went into overdrive. Istantly she knew the distance was too far do attack so she had to hold her ground . In the same instance she also saw it was another woman that had her cold. This is a formidable woman she thought. No one has ever snuck up on me like she did and she could tell she was fit and not to be triffeled with. Then the woman spoke , what are you looking for way back here. Corene had to be honest . I am just trying to find myself, and there is no better place than the mountins to do that. You by yourself? Yes I am , all I have is this pack and my weapons. I was looking for a place to campand I smelled the smoke and was just tying to see where it came from. The woman started to relax and lowerd her gun. Can't be to careful up in these parts. What's your name, she asked? Corene and what's yours? Sarah , the woman replied. You need a place to stay tonight, if you do you can stay at my place. I live up here alone and could use the company. Came up here a long while ago for the same reason you said you was here for, I just never left. That is very generous of you and I would like to take you up on your invitation. Sarah lowered her shotgun and came closer to Corene. Held out here hand and gave Corene a nice strong handshake and said welcome to my home. As they walked back to the cabin , they were talking a bit and Corene asked, I didn't get your last name . It is Smith, Sarah Smith.
Quoted Corene's post to get it into the proper order and will delete her original post. Post can't be moved to change the sequence. They are ordered by date/time and no way to get around it.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Sarah invited Corene into her little cabin and pulled up a couple of chairs to sit in. Then went and got them both a glass of water to drink she new Corene was probably thirsty after the long hike she had been on. As they sat Corene asked Sarah about how she had come to live in a cabin up in the Scodies and by herself no less. Well to make it short, my daddy was a preacher and when I was 15 I got pregnant from a good lookin sweet talker at school named Joseph . He come from a poor family but had some big plans to move to the city and be something bigger. He promised to take me with him when he went . Well one night we all got to drinkin a little hooch that one of the other kids dad made and me and Joseph end up alone in the barn, you can figure what happen. At 5 months I miscarried my baby and when I saw Joeseph my daddy said I had to shun him and send him on his way if I didn't I would be kicked out of the house as an embarrassment to the family. Did I mention my daddy was the town preacher? Well I did what daddy said and Joeseph left and never looked back. It almost seemed like he was relieved as he walked away. He never even looked back at me, he always did put himself first though. For the next few years my daddy made my life hell always preaching to me about my sins and how I would never be worth a damn, surely no man would ever want me . To make things worse I could never have children after the damage to my womb from the miscarriage. Finally I had enough, I gathered what little I had and set out on my own. Long story short I ended up here and just haven't had the urge to move on. How about you? Why are you out here in the woods alone ? Well Sarah we have a lot in common , although I had a pretty good child hood I wasn't my mothers child, I was my fathers and another woman's. My father always took good care of me but my mother, I guess that would really make her my step mother , though I didn't know at the time. She pretty much made me feel like the scum of the earth till I moved out on my own. I ended up in Pagosa springs and there I met a man named Ike. Up front he was a hard working man but when he drank he was mean. Since I didn't have much self confidence I figured he was about the best I could get. One night he was running the still and I was late getting supper up to him. Well he had been testing the likker pretty hard that night and when I got there he beat the hell out of me. Broke my ribs and busted my face up pretty bad, then he gut punched me for what seemed like hours I woke up at the doc's and old TB was looking down at me asking what happened. I told him and he said he would have a talk with Ike. Well Ike must have been real scared as no one ever saw him again. When I healed up TB gave me a little broke down cabin by the creek and said if I fixed it up I could have it. So like you that is where I have been. Then she told Sarah about the feds and the trouble the locals had set up for them . All kinds of hoopla going on down there right now. Counterfeiters,the mob, money laundering, all kinds of legal stuff. I figure the men folk can handle the mess in Pagosa I wouldn't be much help , Probably me more of a nuisance. Then she told Sarah about pulling Jed out of the mess and the little fling that they had. Funny she said after it was over he just rolled over and went to sleep, like it was no big thing. So I picked up my pack and away I went. Sarah starred at her for a moment, then said Joseph's middle name was Jedidiah!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

corene1 wrote:That morning TB had headed down to the sheriff's office wanting to get a little more information on the free pass to making liquor that the Feds were talking about. As he was walking down the hall he heard a voice that sounded like Jeds , he was talking to a couple of fellas that TB didn't know . As he got closer he could here Jed talking about his amorous adventure with Corene the night before. Almost bragging is what it sounded like to TB . He couldn't hold back and stepped into the office and looked Jed square in the face. Jed . he said , I don't know what happened between you and Corene last night and It ain't my place to know. It also ain't anyone else place to know either. You are showing some of that city life that you are trying to leave behind. Round here folks don't kiss and tell. You are sounding like a feller that just bagged a trophy buck on opening morning, You need to show a little more respect for that moment you shared with Corene. By the way , TB said as he turned, Miss Corene is known to hold a grudge and if she finds out you been bragging about that night she is likely to make good on it.
That old devil rage had me seething inside to the point that it took all I had to control it . Was raised to the idea that a man never spoke of a man he'd killed or a woman he'd had the pleasure of . And here was this bastard half brother of mine broadcastin to his world about his 30 second conquest . A mere dalliance for him that sullied the name of one of my best friends . A mere girl child that I had watched over and helped grow into a fine and beautiful woman .
Silently I swore the oath of a blood feud . I would bide my time and await my chance . Killin him like I did Ike would be too easy . I was gonna have to plot a way to embarrass him professionally before I called upon him to give the devil his due . I began to weave the web that would catch this spider .

>The Tennessee stud and the dog was both some played out by the time we reached Blackwater Station . My boney old ass was a mite sore too . My cousins , the Bondurant boys ,was some surprised to see me . I seldom traipsed across the mountains that far these days . Howard and Jack had a short 'howdy' drink with us and then they had to go off to tend their groundhog stills . They was pullin off nigh onto a thousand gallons of white likker every two weeks and stayed right busy .

>Forrest and I stayed at the Station . We talked and plotted long into the evening . Come up with a war plan to destroy that blackdog bastard . I was surprised to find that the old battle lust was buried so shallowly
beneath the peaceful , reclusive vernier I presented to the general public nowadays . Forrest havin first hand knowledge of Jed being a crooked cop was vital in the plans we made to take him and the other crooks
down . I knew the fellers in my part of the 'Society' would be happy to help out with the plan we came up with .

>Mornin came too early . With a belly full of breakfast I saddled the stud and bid the Bondurant boys good day . I had a long ride ahead of me to get back to where Corene and I had talked last and pick up her trail .
It was important to find her and tell her of the plan before she decided she was mad and went off for revenge on he own ............................
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

That Sunday came and went quietly in Pagosa, with barely an echo of the consternation that prevailed recently. The church was perhaps a little fuller than usual with repentant souls who wanted to rid their minds of the sinful thoughts and talk that had swirled through the mob on Friday and seeded different meetings of not only the S3, but two church groups, a contingent of FBI, the local police and two game wardens, knowing most of the armed hunters in the area they had seen fit to call a meeting down at the lodge.
The real action was down the road in the town of Muckalee Creek. Marcel Ledbetter had a surprise visit from Larry and Uncle Mo.
There was nothing funny about this duo, Larry was a wild eyed, bear of a man. The photograph on his drivers licence had looking like a sasquatch pulled straight from the bush, teeth bared and all. Uncle mo had been an enforcer for the mob since was 15. He was a small coil of muscle neatly concealed under a trenchcoat and bowler hat. The outline of his automatic made a bump just below his chest, on his right side.
They had moved their meeting to Ledbetter's other business, a garage just up the road from the motel. Being Sunday the pumps were shut and the mechanic who leased the single bay for repair was off with his family. Ledbetter never liked these visits, he much preferred making the trip into Chicago himself and meeting with his brother in-law at that nice restaurant on the east side. Something about paying homage on his turf, and all the people around in the city made him feel safer. More like he was doing actual "business". When the boys pulled in here, especially unannounced, it scared the shit out of him. Marcel's mind was racing as he tried his best to appear outwardly calm, he ran his hand along the top of the workbench realizing a bit late he was collecting oil and dirt on his fingers. He paused, turning his hand over to inspect the grime, he picked up a rag as he spoke.
"Not the best time for a visit fellas, seems the neighbourhood has gone to the Feds." nodding back towards his motel.
"Precisely our reasons, Marcel." Uncle Mo spoke in quietly, while Larry prowed the service bay like a cat. "it's come to our attention that the queer is getting picked up in local businesses here Marcel."
Color drained from his face "wha? I been using the same distribution drivers since the start!" Ledbetter protested. "those boys know better than to shit where they eat." he added.
"None the less, Marcel..." Uncle Mo's even tones made the hair on his neck stand. "Here we are. You have a room full of of FBI back at your motel. Someone has put that cash into circulation here and the bosses, they ain't happy about that Marcel. That cash is only to come out in the cities, not in these bumfuck backwater shitholes around here."
Larry started to make strides to Marcel.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Marcel held his hands up, palms out, dropping the rag to the floor. "those feds are on a mission to rescue their buddies who got caught up in some hanky panky when they was supposed to be busting moonshiners up in the hills."
Uncle Mo held up a hand and when Larry stopped his advance, Marcel relaxed a bit.
"You Know Larry's sister Nola works for ma Bell at the switchboard, and we heard all about Moonshine party." Uncle Mo said flatly "out of deference for Eddie's sister, your late wife Edith, god rest her soul, Eddie is extending this as a courtesy call Marcel." "Clean up your house, Marcel. One Chance. If we gotta come back up to this shithole, Marcel... you are not going to like the outcome."
Uncle Mo extended his gloved hand to shake and Marcel wiped his hand frantically on his suit front to clean it. Mo crushed his hand firmly, pulling him close he whispered in Marcel's ear "one chance Marcel." and kissed his cheek. "we need some fuel"
"No Problem fellas" Marcel assured them as they turned and walked out the door. He picked up the rag from the floor and wiped his forehead. "shit!" marcel muttered. and walked towards the pump switch.
I finally quit drinking for good.

now i drink for evil.
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Corene woke early the next morning , much earlier than Sarah. She didn't want Sarah to think she was a freeloader so she grabbed her bow and thought she would get some fresh meat for dinner that night. Walking through the Skodies that morning seemed to soothe her whirling brain and let it settle down a bit . She didn't know what was going on in town and she almost didn't care, but she had a feeling things were about to get down and dirty. She still wasn't sure about her decision to pull Jed from the mess, He had a side to him that she still couldn't figure out. And putting two and two together from her conversation with Sarah she figured Jed and Joseph were the same fella. His real personality seemed to be showing a bit more. She was starting to see through the veneer and see the core of his motivation. She was seeing him more as a person that would do whatever was necessary to get what he wanted and didn't worry about anyone else, another lesson learned she thought. Just then she caught a hint of movement at the base of an old pine and she went into her stalking mode. She nocked up an arrow and started her hunt. There was a low cloud cover in the mountains that morning making the forest floor damp and quiet, perfect for stalking game. As she crept closer she could she a couple of tree squirrels gathering nuts for the winter and thought a squirrel stew would be pretty tasty in this cool weather. Using some brush for cover she drew the bow back to full draw, as her back muscles became tight she loosed the arrow, Thunk! a perfect head shot, no wasted meat here. The other squirrel took to the trees like a rocket. She quickly gutted him and set off after the other squirrel. She was always amazed at how fast these little critters could move through the trees keeping the tree between them and their pursuer. She knew she was wasting time stalking a squirrel that already had her spotted so she let him be and set off after another one somewhere else. A few miles from the cabin she spotted some movement on the other side of a big ravine so she thought she would check it out. As she got closer she noticed a couple of guys, one carrying a big sack of sugar and the other had a big sack of corn . Pretty obvious to her what they were doing and what better place than the Skodies. It was a far piece from anywhere just to make shine though , especially when there were so many closer places to a road that were safe. She figured these fellas must have something else going on too , and they weren't locals . Guess I will keep an eye on them from a distance for a few days and see what pans out. On her way back to the cabin she was lucky enough to get another squirrel. 2 squirrels for the pot will make a fine stew, especially with all the vegetables Sarah had from her garden.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

It was late afternoon when I got back to the Springs . Flat , SOMO , and TP were on the bench at the store . I huddled with them for a short time . Got them up to speed on what the Bondurant brothers had told me about Jed and the way I had heard him talking with my own ears . Had to talk like hell to keep them from going after him immediately . I gave them a rough outline of the plan Forrest and I had come up with to cure us of this misery . Told them to stidy on it while I was gone and get the other S3 members up to speed so we could all discuss it after I found Corene . Asked them to watch for her . Head her off if she showed up before I got to talk to her .

>SOMO haned me a jug and I greatfully took a 2 bubble pull on it . That amber honeydew vine water spread through my veins with wonderful slowness . The warm glow made me realize just how tired I was . I'm gettin too old for all this traipsin around ahorseback . Fact remained though that I couldn't have covered the ground I have covered in the last few days usin a pickup .

>Flatwoods mentioned that I looked a mite haggard . I couldn't argue the point . Told them that I was goin to the house for a good night's rest . Planned to take out come mornin toward the Skodies to try and pick up Corene's trail . Allowed that I'd have my work cut out for me the way that gal injuned about in the woods . They all agreed with that thought .

>We come in sight of the home place and I don't know who was the happiest ; me, the dog , the stud , or SOH who was watchin us from the porch . DAMN! That gal has been a stayer . Had my back for better than 30 year , one side of the broom or the other (unmarried or married) .

To be continued .....................
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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