Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

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Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Phate »

Hey everybody,
Over the past few days I have been doing the recommended cleaning runs for a new pot still. In the first (all water) run I noticed a decent amount of black flakes in the distillate and figured it must need more cleaning. The next run I did was a 3:1 ratio of vinegar to water and that seemed to remove most of the flakes but some still remained. The next run was another all water run to try and clean out the left over vinegar and the remaining flakes. Even after that run I still noticed a (very) small amount of some sort of particles floating around in my distillate. Trying to get to the bottom of this I took a look inside the worm and noticed what looks like to be deposits of something (maybe oxidized copper). I would just like to know if this is normal and that maybe it just needs a little more cleaning or that there is another issue abound. I included the best pictures I could take of inside the worm. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by moosemilk »

Looks like it's right at your joint. Could be just the solder? Silver solder will oxidize black. Do your sac run and see what you get (but don't drink it).
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Halfbaked »

Question Pate are you running steam out the coil or are you putting water around the coil and trying to run like you would stillin alcohol? I would use steam at least 1/2 the time or more. I would do a 1 to 1 on the vin/water ratio and it is gonna stink. I like white vinegar. It does look like solder in the pipe.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by shadylane »

Just a thought.
Put a cork in the bottom of the worm.
And fill it with white vinegar.
Let it sit for an hour or two, then drain and rinse it.

As halfbaked pointed out steam is better for cleaning than condensed water.
Run the steam into the worm with the flake stand dry.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Phate »

Thanks for all the replies and yes I always make sure to run steam through for atleast 45 min before I start knocking down vapor. So you guys think I should do another vinegar run? I think first Ill try the cork thing and then see what happens
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by T-Pee »

Phate wrote:So you guys think I should do another vinegar run? I think first Ill try the cork thing and then see what happens
Do both until everything runs clear. Once does not guarantee a clean still.

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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by AnOniiMouse »

I had a heck of a time cleaning out my worm. What finally worked for me was to set an old aquarium pump in the bottom of the flake stand and run the discharge out to the bottom of the worm. Ran hot soapy water through it for about 20 minuets letting it pour back to the flake stand from the top of the worm. Haven't had a problem since.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by StillLearning1 »

Phate wrote:Thanks for all the replies and yes I always make sure to run steam through for atleast 45 min before I start knocking down vapor. So you guys think I should do another vinegar run? I think first Ill try the cork thing and then see what happens
To clean my rig I had to do a vinegar soak,manual scrub, two water vinegar rounds and two sac runs before I was happy.

Tee-pee hit the nail on the head.
But what the heck do I know.....I am still learning.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Phate »

Just a quick update... I used shadylane's suggestion and corked up the worm with vinagar in it. After a few hours I drained the vinagar and did an all water cleaning run. It seems like that really worked as I could only find one or two tiny black specs (which may have just been dust particles) in the distillate. Hopefully tomorrow I will try to run a sac alc run and see how that turns out. If need be I will run as many vinagar cycles as it takes or try AnOniiMouse's suggestion. Thanks again.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Phate »

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to say that I did my first alcohol (sacrificial) run today and it came out pretty clear! I didn't notice any black specs but I did see some other tiny white string like particles when I held it up to the light. I figure those particles are probably just dust as I didn't wash the jars so well (I am going to throw it out anyways). What do you guys think?
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by bearriver »

Give her an acid bath in a 5 gallon bucket till its gone, then continue with the typical series of cleaning runs. Looks like you might have used flux that was not water based. Ask how I know...
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by moosemilk »

bearriver wrote:Give her an acid bath in a 5 gallon bucket till its gone, then continue with the typical series of cleaning runs. Looks like you might have used flux that was not water based. Ask how I know...
You too bear? I found a good hot couple soaks with sunlight dish soap helps clean that up pretty good. And Dawn platinum with hot water overnight will have a stainless keg with the nastiest of Nasty leftover will shine it up like new inside. Beats scrubbing and shaking with a chain
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Phate »

Alright for the acid bath I assume you mean vinagar and if so what ratio of water to vinagar should I use? How long should I soak it, a couple of hours? After I soak it should I do an only water run and then another sacrificial alcohol run or do I not need the second sacrificial alcohol run? Before I did the sac alc run I did an only water run and tasted a small teaspoon of water and it tasted just like distiller water (no off flavors) that's what led me to believe it was just dust.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by bearriver »

Undiluted cleaning vinegar would be the weakest acid I would consider. Hardware stores will have stronger, and more dangerous chemicals to choose from. Such as the acid used in masonry restoration. However I will not recommend any specific type of acid, due to handling and safety concerns. Ive had chemical burns in the past. Not fun. Someone else may feel more comfortable reccomending something.

Only soak the copper for however long it takes to remove the plaque. Extended baths in acid will create a very unsighlty and hard to remove film on the surface of the copper.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by bearriver »

I've had more than one nasty scorch from using a propane boiler shroud. A dawn soak overnight didn't do a damn thing for me. I scrubbed for hours and finally decided once again to let acid do all the hard work.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by ga flatwoods »

Damn this thread name! Every time I have seen it I thought it read "Cleaning runs and Dirty Women?"
Ga Flatwoods
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by shadylane »

ga flatwoods wrote:Damn this thread name! Every time I have seen it I thought it read "Cleaning runs and Dirty Women?"
Ga Flatwoods
Put a cork in one end and poor vinegar in the other.
If that don't stop your thoughts.
Begin by putting the cork in the other end. :lol:
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Phate »

Damn this thread name! Every time I have seen it I thought it read "Cleaning runs and Dirty Women?"
Ga Flatwoods
Gotta keep you guys looking at this thread somehow! :mrgreen:

Another day another update. As per bearriver's suggestion I soaked all my equipment in a big bucket full of undiluted vinegar (didn't want to take a chance on anything stronger) for about 4 hours. I have to admit those pipes are looking damn clean. After the soak I gave it a good rinse and did an all water cleaning run. The water looked pretty clean coming out and tasted the way distilled water is supposed to taste. I still noticed some of the white dust stuff floating around so I decided to do a little test. I got a brand new, unused jar and put some filtered water in it and low-and-behold I saw the same white floating dust things that are in my jar. My guess is it's really just that, dust. Also when I try filtering it through a coffee filter in either case (my jar or the brand new jar) it seems to add more white dust so I really am leaning to the dust conclusion.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by bearriver »

Get that dusty work area straightened out brother!

DIY Ozone generators are cheap and work well. It's basically just a UV bulb with a fan blowing over it.
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Phate »

Will take a look at it... Thanks again for all the help :D
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by T-Pee »

Damn this thread name! Every time I have seen it I thought it read "Cleaning runs and Dirty Women?"
Ga Flatwoods
As per bearriver's suggestion I soaked all my equipment in a big bucket full of undiluted vinegar...
I'll bet that stung. :wtf:

tp (getting in the spirit)
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by bearriver »

T-Pee wrote: I'll bet that stung.
I should have been more descriptive with my advice. :lolno:
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Re: Cleaning Runs And Dirty Worm?

Post by Fidget »

Some of the copper still sellers suggest cleaning the a run of 1 part rye flour 5 parts water....does that actually achieve anything? Sounds like would make a mess!
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