First UJSSM ferment and stripping run

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper 8)

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Moonshiner 67
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First UJSSM ferment and stripping run

Post by Moonshiner 67 »

Hi guys I've been researching this for about a year but finally have acquired all of the equipment to do it. Im posting it because this hobby is all about trying to make the best quality hooch possible so i am welcome to any and all criticism. I had two washes going on at the same time. A 7 gallon wash and a 6 gallon wash. The 7 gallon wash: 5.25gal spring water, 1.75 gal backset, 12lb cracked corn, and 12.5lb sugar. OG 1.060 with a potential 8% abv. The 6 gallon wash: 4.5gal spring water, 1.5gal backset, 10lb sugar, 10lb corn, distillers yeast. OG 1.062 with a potential 8% abv. In both washes i used 25% backset. I used potassium bicarbonate to get both washes to a starting ph of 6 because the backset is so acidic. Throughout the rest of the ferment i used the potassium bicarbonate to keep the washes between Ph 4.5-5.5. I had a hard time keeping them above 5 for longer than a day before having to add more potassium bicarbonate. I also used a space heater to keep the washes at a temperature of around 80F. My DADY distillers yeast loves to be around 80F and bubbled like crazy during ebullition. Ebullition last about 4 days for both mashes but I waited another day and a half after it stopped to let it settle. The ending SG for the 7 gallon wash was .996 and ending SG for the 6 gallon wash was .994

For the Stripping run I used my Pot still (picture Below) that consist of a 15.5gal keg (pot), 7.5gal keg (thumper), and a 36in lie big condenser. I combined the 6 gallon wash with the 7 gallon wash. After siphoning the beer out i only had about 12 gallons of liquid that i strained and charged the still with. I put 9.5 gallons in the pot and 2.5 gallons in the thumper. Through out the run i ran the still as fast as it could knock down the stream. the distillate was pouring out at a pencil lead sized steam. The entire run took about 4 hours. i collected down to 20% and got a full 2 gallons of low wines. The first Gallon was 70% and the second Gallon was 45%.

Ive got the 7 gal and 6 gal washes going again and am going to combine them with all of my low wines to do a spirit run next weekend. I also have about 2.5 gallons of 40% low wines from a previous run.
My Set up! Im hoping to get a 55 gallon drum soon instead of all those coolers
My Set up! Im hoping to get a 55 gallon drum soon instead of all those coolers
My Fermenting Closet. I had to split the 6 gallon mash into those two 5 gallon buckets.
My Fermenting Closet. I had to split the 6 gallon mash into those two 5 gallon buckets.
Pot still w/ 15.5gal keg boiler, 7.5gal keg thumper, and 36" liebig condenser!
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Re: First UJSSM ferment and stripping run

Post by Boxcutter »

Looks good but I would suggest a different funnel maybe stainless steel are copper. But looks like you are setup to make a nice drip. I'm fixing to start construction on my thumper soon just received my 7.5 keg and going get my hard ware soon.
Moonshiner 67
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Re: First UJSSM ferment and stripping run

Post by Moonshiner 67 »

Boxcutter wrote:Looks good but I would suggest a different funnel maybe stainless steel are copper. But looks like you are setup to make a nice drip. I'm fixing to start construction on my thumper soon just received my 7.5 keg and going get my hard ware soon.
I completely agree. I actually should be receiving my SS funnel in the mail any day now. The thumper is so worth it! It makes such a difference and it has a rhythmic thumping that is almost life like. Almost makes you want to dance to it sometimes haha.
Pot still w/ 15.5gal keg boiler, 7.5gal keg thumper, and 36" liebig condenser!
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Re: First UJSSM ferment and stripping run

Post by Halfbaked »

Good lookin rig MS. yea dump funnel. It will last you as long as you want it and serve you well.
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Re: First UJSSM ferment and stripping run

Post by HDNB »

Thats a lot of riggin in a small space! awesome, you got it goin' on! :thumbup:

wish i could join you for a shot of the 1.5x UJ, sounds yummy already.
I finally quit drinking for good.

now i drink for evil.
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