sellin bacca

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goose eye
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sellin bacca

Post by goose eye »

All yall aint growled no bacca I aint gonna go step by step.
after you cure it an take it to market first person that see it is a government grader.
he put a grade on it. Then the auctioneer will start you don't like the grade or the price
You can turn your tag over an not sale it. Now these bidder from diamond rjr an such
Get to know the farmers. What would happen is you would slid a gallon
in one of the piles an they would know it an prices would jump. Likker has sold many a sheet of bacca.

Reason for this story. All yall bacca growers from the 60s an 70s
If you got a number call your ag man. Yall that bacca they held to sale later well they did an gold leaf got the money. There's a fourum you fill out or next of kin can fill out to get yalls money. There a web site you put your name a number an it'll tell you if you is owed any money.

So I'm tole
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Re: sellin bacca

Post by Usge »

I never growed any bacca and I ain't about to start. But, I hope you got a pile of money for all that hard work you done.
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Re: sellin bacca

Post by SassyFrass »

Burley was my family's main crop, when I was growing up. We hand tied burley, then tried sheeting it one year, then went to the bales. A few years after I left and went to the military the folks sold out the base and quit raising it. Now the farm is at the bottom of a man made reservoir.
It was a lot of hard work. Burning or gassing the beds, setting, chopping out, topping, cutting, housing, waiting for case, booking it, stripping it, grading it, then finally selling it. Hoping you made enough to pay off the bank and have a little left over for the family.
But, I always had plenty of chew and home rolled cigars.
I'll have my mom check into that website and see if there is anything there for her.
Simple Lil' Pot Still, no temp guage, no carbon, no scrubbers, nuthin' fancy. Sometimes use a thumper, sometimes don't.

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goose eye
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Re: sellin bacca

Post by goose eye »" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow. you need your stabilization number.
Got to be filed by the 28th or they keep the money.

So I'm tole
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Re: sellin bacca

Post by SassyFrass »

Passed this info off to my Ma.
She checked it out and realized it was only for folks that did flue cured.
We grew burley. Most folks in KY grew same. Almost none left. Government bought all the poundage out.
Best I remember, there was a little bit of flue cured grown in western KY, over in the flat lands. And a lot of flue cured was grown over in the Carolinas.
Thanks again.
Simple Lil' Pot Still, no temp guage, no carbon, no scrubbers, nuthin' fancy. Sometimes use a thumper, sometimes don't.

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Re: sellin bacca

Post by fixin2 »

I cropped it and hung it when I was a kid in the Eastern NC bacca belt. We hated sand lugg'n the worst. We would catch snakes and put them in the bacca drag. Back at the barn the girls would take the bacca outta the drags and string it up on sticks to hang. You could hear 'em scream when a snake came outta the leaves, cussin' an hollerin'.

I made $15 a day croppin' and at the end of the season we all got to ride to Fairmont to the market. Very cool watching the auctioneers go up and down the rows buying bacca. We always got top $$ for our bright leaf bacca. You never forget the smell of bacca curing in the barns. A wonderful smell.
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Re: sellin bacca

Post by Pikey »

How did you used to cure it ? :)
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Re: sellin bacca

Post by Reverend Newer »

I always wonder'd how that many tobacco plants were raised for planting spring crops in the old days. I know tobacco seedlings grow so slowly that I have to start seeds in February. I've seen where tobacco farms used tobacco plant clones grown in a greenhouse then planted by hand in the spring off the back of a buggy.

I'm sure old boys didn't have greenhouses to grow out clones, so how were so many plants grown out in the old days?

I am partial to a variety I was told is only know as "Virginia Light" also do some burley and the rocket fuel of tobacco... Nicotiana Rustica. I just grow tobacco for personal, family and friends and like anything, something done yourself is always of a higher quality.
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