New to distillation, or simply new to the HD forums.
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Hello fairly new guy here been interested in distilling for a few years but kept getting lost in random bits of info and never really comitted
My cousin suggested this page and it is great how all the info is here to absorb.
So far i have built a terrible looking pot still with a even worse looking worm but it worked i ran some budget wine through it to test it all out , ive got some sugar wash fermenting now and i am in the middle of building a boka just waiting on the wholesalers to open up tommorow for a 2' sweat by fip and i should be off to the races. ill post pics once this one is done i learned alot on my first attempt so this one is gonna come out alot cleaner
Welcome to HD, live just south of your border. If you can post pictures I think members may have some suggestions for you. Just a couple things on your worm. We don't recommend anything less than 3/8"id but would prefer 1/2", also make sure that your worm has no section that angles up or you may have some serious safety issues! Good Luck and be safe.
The pot still and worm was functional just ugly as hell I followed all the recommendations found here and parent site ie 1/2 inch worm and no synthetics. I am 90% done my boka and there will be pics I am alot happier with the way this one is coming along astheticaly.
I am in Alberta but a BC boy born and raised