my frist AG mash

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my frist AG mash

Post by blueduck »

This was 11 lb cracked corn that i ran threw my grain mill to get small pieces and powder close to cornmeal.5 lb of 2 row malted barly and 10 gal of water. I brought the 10 Gal of water to a boil then stirred in the corn and kept it a a boil for 30min then shut off the burner put the lid on and slid a sleeping bag over it for 2 hrs. after 2 hr it was still at 200 degrees Fahrenheit at with time i started to let it cool it was thick like creamcorn. when it hit 152 degrees fahrenheit i started the mashing it settled in at 150 degrees Fahrenheit then put the sleeping bag back on for 3.5 hr in witch time it was aerated . It passed the iodine test so I pitched yeast at 98f its going like crazy this morning :D .The only thing im not sure about is the SG was 1.059 is this low or did I get good conversion I didn't want to add sugar so I left it there. I was thinking the SG would be closer to 1.070.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by still_stirrin »

10 lb. of corn + 5 lb. barley in 10 gallons of mash water....I think your 1.059 OG is very respectable. It will do good for you. Let it worries.

The real challenge is to reproduce this effort a 2nd time. Work on that as soon as you can. Sometimes we just get lucky the first time. But if you've been rigorous with your processes it will be reproducible.

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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by MitchyBourbon »

These are simply my own estimates, not trying to be sarcastic.

11 lbs corn + 5 lbs 2 row = 16 total lbs grain
max ppg from 1 lb grain is 0.035 (your grain may be higher).
16 × 0.035 = 0.56
0.56 ÷ 10 gallons water = 0.056 theoretical max at 100% efficiency.

0.059 ÷ 0.056 = 105 % efficiency.

Some of my assumptions may be off. Anyhow sounds like you did pretty good.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by blueduck »

I'm finding it hard to believe that I got 105 % efficiency could the particles in the wart have thrown the SG measurement off.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by humbledore »

This seems off to me, it's almost...or is...impossible to hit .1059 with 1.6lbs of grain per gallon. Or I have been doing it wrong, very wrong. Even just making beer with barley and nothing else my recipes are usually 10-12lbs for 5 gallons, or 20-24lbs for 10G.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by blueduck »

After reading your guys comments I did this test on my hydrometer 1lb sugar 1 gal water at 68 degrees Fahrenheit the OG should be 1.046 my hydrometer reads 1.056. time for a new one id say. witch will be tested when it gets hear.

this means that the OG is 1.049 not 1.059
Last edited by blueduck on Mon Jun 08, 2015 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by MitchyBourbon »

Yes sugar will contribute 0.046 ppg, but grain is less. Each grain is different but most are 0.033 to 0.035 per lb. In addition to that you have to take into account what your mash efficiency is. It is difficult if not impossible to get 100 % efficiency. Which is fine, if you did get 100% efficiency you would likely end up with other things in your mash you don't really want. If I get 90 % efficiency I can be seen doing cart wheels. So if a particular grain Contributes a theoretical max of 0.035 per lb and may mash efficiency was 90%, I would expect each lb of grain to contribute 0.035 × 0.9 = 0.0315 ppg.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by still_stirrin »

MitchyBourbon wrote:... If I get 90 % efficiency I can be seen doing cart wheels....
I'm tickled to get 75% efficiency in my brew house. But I'm building a eHERMS and hopefully that'll increase my brewery efficiency. And the stability (consistency).

And in this thread: ... =6&t=40554
Jimbo states that corn is 0.033 ppg, which is what my calculator has in it. A little lower than barley (2-row).
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by shadylane »

blueduck wrote:I'm finding it hard to believe that I got 105 % efficiency could the particles in the beer have thrown the SG measurement off.
That could be the problem, Hydrometers have been known to read high when measuring a mash.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by MitchyBourbon »

Here is a link to a page of John Palmers book how to brew, it lists the max ppg and the ppg at a typical efficiency of 85%.
Flaked corn is listed as having a max of 0.039, 0.033 given an efficiency of 85%." onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by blueduck »

well I stopped at the brew shop and got a new hydrometer . It reads .010 less then the old one on 3 tests. Note to self check your gear.
This does have silver lining I'm reading all about ppg now and am loving the new knowledge.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by MitchyBourbon »

Let me know when you come up with a recipe for blueduck bourbon, I'll want to give it a go.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by blueduck »

Well I opened it up last night. took out the oak stave filtered it with a coffee filter. then drank more then a glass its like nothing I have ever had before.
Its so smooth and rich almost sweet but not the carmel flavor along with the okey vanilla. It's hard to describe. There is almost no burn at all.
:clap: I'm calling success. thx for all the help every one. :D
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by skow69 »

Good job, man. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Welcome to the club. Ain't real bourbon great? You'll never be able to drink that store bought crap again.
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by MichiganCornhusker »

Congrats, blueduck, not just on a well made/aged whiskey, but on your impressive self control to stay out of it for a year!
Hope you've been making some more over that time, 'cause that batch is gonna go fast.

Oh, and welcome back. :wave:
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Re: my frist AG mash

Post by blueduck »

nope no more ,1 quart down and 2 to go its been a long winter and I have been bussy with a lot of uther things. I picked up my grain bill today so mashing next week hopping to get 5 /6 ruins in this season for next year.
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