Sour tasting distillate

Production methods from starch to sugars.

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Swill Maker
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Sour tasting distillate


Any one experience this. Will citric acid come over in the distillate? This run was very sour even bitter maybe. It is a 75ryeUM 20wheat UM and 5 6-row
I had issues with the ferment but I got about 2gallons from a 13 gallon wash
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Re: Sour tasting distillate

Post by HDNB »

that rye is astringent.

what we really want to know is how did you get 75% rye to run without scorching it... :shock:

and what was the conversion on a 5% malt grain bill??? enzymes?

is the gear clean since the last time you soldered anything on it?
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Bull Rider
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Re: Sour tasting distillate

Post by Bull Rider »

Did your wash have a layer of whitish liquid on the top with a sour smell? The top layer looks almost like a powder, and is thick.

I've had that from time to time. The sour taste comes over on the strip run, and the quantity obtained goes down too.

Sanitized your equipment with bleach and hot water and start over, or at least that's what I do when this happens.
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Swill Maker
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Sour tasting distillate


Hey just back from a family vacation. Apologies for the delay.

The grain bill is as stated above. After it finished at around 10.5 BRIX, I say finished because it stalled for 3 days there. I think I'll stick to IMO easier washes. Anyway, I racked it to 3 glass car boys and allowed it to further clear then racked to a few large buckets and transferred to my boiler. I ran it real hard but do not see any scorching that I can smell or see. It came off real soapy tasting maybe acidic even. I'll save it and run another rye mash to see how it comes out and if this is good or not.
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