storing finished wash and grain

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storing finished wash and grain

Post by opihiman911 »

The other day I started a 20 gallon Sweetfeed wash and planed on my normal 3 strip runs and then then a final spirit run. I still have another 2-3 days till my ferment is finished. I normally transfer the finished wash over to a secondary to let settle before stripping while I start on the next batch. This whole process of 3 strips and a finish spirit run normally takes me 5-6 weeks to finish into a very nice finished product.

Well unbeknownst to me a good friend stopped by last night and dropped off 50 pounds of fresh pears and told me his tree is ready to harvest 6 weeks early and he will be dropping of 50 pounds of pears off for the next several weeks for us to turn into our annual pear pear brandy. I wasn't prepared for this and was thinking I had time to finish my sweetfeed run before the usually October pears were ready.

What is the best way to delay my sweetfeed run while I got all these fresh pears. I don't have anyway of freezing hundred plus pounds of pears. Can I store the 10% wash in several food grade plastic pails with covers and store the wet grains too for 6 weeks? Or would I be better off stripping the sweetfeed wash and store in glass bottles? How long can I store the grain in food grade pails before it goes bad? If I can store the grain for 6 weeks how do I prep it? Strained of wash? or leave just enough wash to keep it covered?

Ohhh the problems of having too much good stuff happening at once.

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Re: storing finished wash and grain

Post by NZChris »

Get another fermenter. Your friend could buy it for you.

Racking and storing is a bad idea unless you want a very nice vinegar. It's better left on the trub, undisturbed, or run it and freeze some backset.

I've never used sweetfeed, but I have had corn go moldy, so make sure it's dry. If it does go moldy, throw it out.
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Re: storing finished wash and grain

Post by MashMaker »

I would think getting another fermenter would be the best bet. Go get you one of those rubber made trash cans it you don't need it as a fermenter all the time it has all kinds of other uses. Cool water tank, grain storage container, fermenter and the list goes on and on. That much fruit to the process I'm sure you could probably use it anyway
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Re: storing finished wash and grain

Post by opihiman911 »

My partner is already nice enough to provide the pears & propane and help clean & chop the pears. All I have to do is drive my still and make nice cuts and blend to perfection :)

Well that just what I decided to do, get another fermenter. I was under the impression that you had to use a food grade plastic to ferment in and there is nothing available locally but 5 gallon buckets. So I bought a new plastic trash can and went to a local jelly making factory and they gave me a couple food grade 55 gallon drum liners to put inside. I just now have to be careful not to put hot backset or poke a hole in it now.

Looks like I will be driving double time for the next couple weeks.

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Re: storing finished wash and grain

Post by still_stirrin »

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Re: storing finished wash and grain

Post by smokineod »

Brute trash fermenters that's aren't specially built for the purpose!
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Re: storing finished wash and grain

Post by nonpds »

I know this is late for the original post but. If you strain your mash so that you only have the wash, without sugar, yeast, etc. Pour your warm wash into an airtight food safe container, fill the container to the very top so that there is no air in the container whatsoever. seal off the container ensure the lid is sealed tight. Lay the container on it's side. This wash will last for ages and ages, up to a year with no degredation.
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Re: storing finished wash and grain

Post by BourbonStreet »

I just ran some UJSSM that had been sitting for over 6 months. It actually had a bit of mold on top; I've never seen that before. It must have gotten some air in it. Like nonpds said, it can last about a year without going bad if you don't open it. I skimmed the mold off, and put it in the boiler. Tastes wonderful.
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