So far I bought a new keg (on sale) and a lot of fittings, stainless/PFTE Parker needle valve, a bit of pipe, some lead free solder supplies and also silver brazing supplies for attaching flanges to 2" L cu pipe. Already had my home plumbing box full of tools, pipe cutter, sand cloth, flux and what-not.
Rig specs:
48" x 2" L column w/2" TC flanges both ends with cu mesh packing. Will TC clamp to keg.
2" bokakob-style LM head w/ 8" double coil using 1/4" OD cu. for coil and output that will attach to column with tri-clamp.
Keg will get 4" TC flange for cleanout and 2" TC flange for heater element (240V 5500W Camco LWD element). Heat will be controlled by SSR circuit of my own design.
Cooling plumbing will be 3/8" PEX.
I am also going to make a simple potstill head using a Leibig condenser. I will make a 2 foot Leibig using 3/4" x 1/2" pipe, and a second using 1" x 3/4" pipe.
Last week I made the reflux double coil (8" 1/4 OD), and today I made a small 1/2" over 1/4" Leibig to cool the boka output. Hope the output cooler isn't too long - it is about 20" long.
Here's the keg, reflux coil (hand wound), and product cooler:
