BoomTown wrote:OK, I soaked 4 sticks in water for most of a day, then zapped um for 3 minutes on high in our new (for distillery use only) microwave. Smells like we had a forest fire here, but the sticks didn't catch fire. I see that they did darken quite a bit, and some sizzle dripped out on the rotating table inside the Mike.
Dropped a stick in a quart jar and added 750 ml of our Misty Morning whiskey (at 90p) and set it inside the Mike for 3 minutes. Temp peaked at 160F, and so I pulled it out, and screwed the cap down tightly, and set it inside an empty cardboard bottle box. I covered it with a towel.
This morning it jar is a mahogany brown color, not the rich amber/brown color the same whiskey gets after 5 months in a Gibbs barrel.
Haven't tasted it yet, haven't opened the jar yet. I'm planning on making a bunch of these sticks, and dropping them into used 10 gal Gibbs barrels, and refilling the the barrels with 140 to 155p alcohol, and letting them sit for 3 months. The Gibbs barrels might have an extra cycle or two in them, but the give up their color very slowly after their first use.
Wondering what that jar tastes like right now....
Temptation got the better of me, and well ... I took a slash!
What I learned: I think putting the oak stick in the distilling, and then into the Microwave was a mistake. The whiskey darkened very rapidly, in 10 days it turned a very beautiful dark brown with amber hues when held up to the light. The aroma was too oaky, and the taste was a massive experience of tannin saturated alcohol. My assumption is that it got a head start, but the intensity of the tannins released may never be managed by the oak stick. I immediately dumped the whole jar into a twice used barrel, and will top it off with 120 to 140p distilling at the earliest opportunity. I loved the color, but the tannins were a deal breaker.