Successful 1st run!

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper 8)

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Successful 1st run!

Post by MmmPeace »

Well the time finally came! I have been learning, reading, reading some more, then reading a little after that for a few months now. I am running the Brewhaus Essential Extractor 2 15.5 gallon setup, in pot still mode. I ran my first sugar wash yesterday and I was shocked at how well it tasted, I thought it would be much worse for my 1st run... I could definitely distinguish the foreshots from the rest, but that was about the only part I could tell from the others... I collected in pint jars and kept swapping as flavors changed throughout. Towards the end of the run the abv dropped and started to take on an almost bitter taste so I cut it off at that point, saving the last jar to add into my feints. I held a broken stream for nearly the entire run, at one point the cooling water became super hot and started spitting steam out (newbie mistake for not keeping a better eye on it) but other than that there were no issues. I accredit that to all of you on here that have helped me by sharing your methods and wisdom with me. I also read "the joy of home distilling" 2x and "Craft distilling" 2x too :eugeek: This hobby is amazing, I'm very thankful to the community and I cannot wait until my next run, which I have a UJSSM that I will be running this week :D My plan is to run it slow and only do a single run rather than do a stripping run 1st then spirit run.

I am super thankful for everybody providing feedback, answering questions which I am sure were very "newb" but all the feedback and help really made a big difference! I cannot wait to begin to taste and smell the differences between the cuts a little (ok a lot) better :thumbup: Thanks again all, I am definitely hooked!

Also shout out to Rad, Bushman, Shine and the others who have shared more wisdom with me through their posts and answers than I could have hoped for, you guys lead by a great example!
Anything is possible, just takes a massive influx of time and cash.

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Re: Successful 1st run!

Post by Truckinbutch »

Yep , you're fucked . You didn't 'fall down the rabbit hole' ; you willingly JUMPED ! There is just no end to the fascination of this hobby and it's limitless potential .
Happy to have you aboard . :wave:
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Re: Successful 1st run!

Post by Bvritr »

Yep, ill never forget my first taste of my first run (then again it was only a few months ago) and being amazed at how good it tasted. I was equally amazed at my first double run on my pot still after i had more experience at making cuts.
Now im jumping in the hole like Truckinbutch said and am making plans for my new and improved keg still with a shotgun condenser.
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