Shady , I'm also eager to see where this goes . The HD parent site and my intuition says scrubbers will be better but the Rad marbles and fan club swung it the other way .
As far as 12" 24" or 36" goes Hmmm good question . I can only go on instinct here again and say that the higher will be the better because it will even out variations in packing densities and channeling .
I agree with Bluefish about the high end of the Alc meter being more difficult to compare apples but the less reflux will bring that down as you know .
In my mind repeat-ability of the RR will be the hardest part to achieve . Also return the collected stuff back to the boiler and repeat so the boiler charge is the same .
My tuppence also would be to take off for a period of time say 1/2 hour before taking a sample so you know that the still has stabilized and is at the same operating point .
( base all these suggestions on some comparison tests I did on CCSC forum comparing Flute RC reflux diversion )
Good luck with the testing