still_stirrin wrote:fafrd wrote:...Do you use the basket facing up as shown or facing doen like a real basket?
”down” a basket. But it really doesn’t matter...either will work. But, you don’t want it too “tightly wound” because you still need open area for the vapor to rise through even if liquid (condensate) is falling.
Got it - thanks.
still_stirrin wrote:
fafrd wrote:...Also, more for the future than for right now, but I see many reflux builds incorporating a sight glass. Are sight glasses (or sight ports) very useful in reflux mode? Do you have one? Sight glasses sit on top of packing, correct? So the 40" column length we've been talking about for CCVM is not increased by adding a sight glass, right?
Sight glass/view ports are great for data collection....but totally unnecessary for running a reflux column. It’s like a thermometer on a potstill...informative, unnecessary, and often confusing.
If you’ve got “money to throw away”, then adding one (or two) to your reflux column can be handy.
A glass at the bottom of the packing will show you the reflux returning to the boiler. This can help you adjust the heat input to balance the vapor take off.
A glass at the top will give you a visual indication of packing flooding, that is - when your heat input is too high for the packing to return lower volatile consitituents to the boiler. It indicates you need to back off the heat slightly.
Personally, I don’t have glass in my reflux column...I simply don’t need it. And when I started distilling (using the reflux column) I would monitor the temperatures with thermocouples. Now, after many runs, I don’t even need the thermocouples...I can tell by the ammeter, production rate (ml/minute), and take off %ABV how I’m progressing through the run.
I’ll probably get “flamed” by those who advocate sight glasses and thermometers, but I (personally) don’t need them. Add them if you’ve got the money and want the “razzle-dazzle”...but they really aren’t necessary to operations, ie - YMMV.
This is also very clear and I appreciate the advice. Sight glasses can always be added at any time, so I'm going to hope when I get into reflux, I can manage without them (or have $$$s to burn on show and tell

I've got several thermocouples from beer brewing and my plan was to use at least one to monitor PC coolant return temps when I start using my pot still. Especially if I've got a 2" PC 'pathway' (with CSST Dimroth coil inserted into the end), monitoring coolant return temp is the best way to avoid getting into trouble (as long as return temps are sufficiently low, PC is keeping up with boiler).
still_stirrin wrote:
As you’re learning need knowledge, especially if you don’t have experience. Your questions make it obvious that you are NOT experienced, so continue to read (and I suggest “searching and reading” as a priceless tool) before you get hurt. But, don’t fear moving forward with your build and experiment. It’ll teach you the processes and where your concerns really should be.
Believe me, I appreciate the input and the advice.
I've used the search function quite a bit but the signal-to-noise can be quite low. That's why pointers and/or hints from experienced members such as yourself are so valuable.
Even though it's not my immediate priority, I've been trying to learn more about reglux distilling, packing and 'plates' - have not found a concise turorial yet. Found Bluefish's thread and it was enormously helpful, butvsince it was not on the first page of threads within the 'Research' Forum, I would never ave found it without the hin from zapatta.
feel like I know understand enough to use a pot-still in a safe/innefficient manner (keeping temps and throughput way below critcal levels).
That's really my primary priority and hopefully means I can finish my pot-still and try my first stripping runs by late July /early August.
But I like to read-ahead, so if I can understand enough about reflux-distilling / CCVM to make design choices that leave me the flexibility to experiment with that if/when the time comes, that's attractive.
Honestly, the thing I'm struggling with most right now is CCST choices for a 2" Dimroth PC. The 48" piece of 5/8" OD CSST I have should allow me to build my first PC. Length of 2" PC shell still TBD, but whether 40", 70", or even a full 9', I should have a ~17" of twisted U Dimroth inserted into the output and this should be sufficent to condense for my first runs (which will hopefully teach me more so I can decide whether I want to use 5/8" OD CSST or 1/2" OD CSST or 3/8" OD CSST for my RC when the time comes).
I still have a couple questions about a CSST-Dimroth PC:
-should I plan to add SS scrubbers to the coil?
-the CSST came with assembled compression fittings but without washers:
-should I use these fittings or cut them off?
-if using them, do they need washers (and if so, PTFE washers, right?)?
Being safe is a far higher priority to me than either proof or speed, so I'd appreciate feedback as to whether a relatively slow/long stripping run monitoring coolant return temps is a good 'safe' plan for dipping my toes into the rabbit-hole...