Next time try Superior 71 paste which can be used on both ss and copper.. in my book it's the best, easy to use, and cleans up with just some hand soap.. it solder's ss to copper very easy.. the major problem with most people trying to solder using way to much heat, and they don't clean the surfaces properly.. using acetone and a propane low pencil flame with do the trick every time..paddy1000111 wrote:Most of the time you try to connect copper to stainless with regular plumbing solder and it will flow onto the copper and just sit on the stainless or ball up on the surface and fall off, a bit like playing with mercury. At least that's my experience with it, having the right flux makes a massive difference but usually the more aggressive acid fluxes that really bite into stainless are reserved for brazing processes or if you use regular rosin-type fluxes you don't stand a chance.
You have done a nice job on brazing you setup, I rely like you having taken the time to clean it up.. but brazing is a total different process than solder..