Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

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Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Runt »

Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor
What is the difference in the process/recipe?
How do You insure Your going to make courtin/lovin liquor and not fighting liquor?
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Yummyrum »

Well thats a tricky one . But from my experience it has nothing to do with how you make it but more to do with how you feel when you are drinking .
If you are in a pissed off shit mood , you are only going to get more agro .

Having said that , I’m normally a happy drunk but a bottle of JD has on a few occassions Managed to get me fired up and arguementive . Many an Aussie will say that Bundy Rum will do the same for them but for me it makes me chill.

Far as the lov’n goes , I generally have the desire but the ability lets me down. :oops: ....... this seems to get worse the more I drink :ebiggrin:

I drink wine , beer , vodka , tequila , Rum , Scotch commercially and home made and have ‘t seen any difference . Just Commercial Bourbon seems my weakness .
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Truckinbutch »

Good cuts and judicious tempering if you make it yourself to keep it lovin .
I been known to down a fifth of Monte Alban with a case of beer in a long evening and maintain my self .
On the other hand ; 3 doubles of Crazy Chicken and just a few beers and you ain't got enough rope to tie my ass down .
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Durhommer »

have to agree with yummy it all depends on the mood youre in rum and tequila make me a bit violent
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by still_stirrin »

Runt wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 10:42 pm Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor....What is the difference in the process/recipe?...
Not so much “what type of liquor” or “how you make it”...rather, it’s a matter of “how much” liquor you consume. Different liquors likely are favored differently, and thus consumed in greater amounts with greater frequency, leading to increased inebriation (lovin’ and fightin’ liquor may be just a shot or two apart).

What do you like to drink? Do you drink more of it?
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Runt »

It sounds like it's more about the person and or their mood or reaction to the liquor rather than the liquor it self?
Tequila seems to have the overall reputation of being more of a fighting liquor.

Truckinbutch I have not heard of Crazy Chicken, but it sounds like fightin liquor. Is this a commercial product? What is it categorized as? (rum, whiskey, tequila)?

What I like to drink doesn't cum from a bottle but is definitely Lovin lick-her.
I Like all kinds of liquor. It defends on my taste and mood when I'm drinking what I want. If it taste good, is going down good, and I'm in the right mood I will drink more.

I wonder if ingredients don't help it along? One ingredient might be a little more of an aphrodisiac, where as another ingredient produces hostility?
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by cayars »

Runt wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:20 pm It sounds like it's more about the person and or their mood or reaction to the liquor rather than the liquor it self?
Tequila seems to have the overall reputation of being more of a fighting liquor.
Just got off the phone with a friend who is a bartender and I asked her about this. I'll sum up.
Always exceptions apply, but in general:

People in a good mood who have a few drinks become funny (good), more open, more talkative. Fun to be around. Much more willing to let another person drive or willing to call a cab or uber/lyft for them (responsible).

People in a bad mood who have a few drinks are often times still in a bad mood and either just keep to themselves or more likely than not "sell shit" to other people. I asked what she meant by "sell shit" and she said more likely to brag, lie about stuff (more education then they have, more education then they have, better lifestyle then they have). Far less likely to take a ride from someone else and wants to "prove" they can still drive and not need a ride.

People who come into the bar pissed, tend to slam drinks, get messed up and cause trouble or just become sloppy drunks more often than not. They are always on the lookout for this type of person and will flag them at 2 or 3 drinks or slow them down if possible, take their keys, etc..

Ironically she said group 1 is more likely to hit on her as they are in a "feel good" mood but also the most fun to flirt with. Doh, maybe why they hit on you. :)

Anyone who drinks too much becomes drunk and drunk people make bad decisions, so mood can change as well as how they are around others. Big surprise!

Anybody here every work a bar, have any experience or just observe such things while visiting bars? Curious to see your opinion.
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Soft batch »

I will disagree to some extent. I think liquor in any form effect some people differently. I can consume just about anything/any quantity and generally get mellower/happier. My brother on the other hand, gets downright mean when he drinks - two drinks of anything and he's out to kill, no matter his mood when he started. For the betterment of the world (and his safety) he knows this now and refrains from drinking.
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by corene1 »

Truckinbutch wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:49 pm Good cuts and judicious tempering if you make it yourself to keep it lovin .
I been known to down a fifth of Monte Alban with a case of beer in a long evening and maintain my self .
On the other hand ; 3 doubles of Crazy Chicken and just a few beers and you ain't got enough rope to tie my ass down .
Wanna bet! LOL!
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by hellbilly007 »

Jim Beam always set me in a foul mood for whatever reason. So I avoid it like the plague nowadays
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Runt »

Thanks again for Your replies;
You make it sound more social or physiological just depending on each persons body chemistry. I worked in the largest bar/saloon in our state for 16 Years. We use to have UFC guys come in and decide to use our patrons as practice fights. Good ol' bar brawls.

I was still hoping it was more of an ingredient/byproduct or a process in making it. I guess if that was the case their would be date rape liquor kinda like ecstasy back in the day. lol
So You mean some nice romantic music, complementing, and talking sweet to my mash ain't going to make lovin liquor?

Is there any truth to red wine being a lovin alcohol for women? I heard it gets their blood and or mind flowing and gets them all revved up?
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by OtisT »

Runt, your best bet may be a recipe here on HD called “Strawberry Panty Dropper”. The name says it all. It’s a sweet cordial best made from a smooth/clean neutral(ish) spirit and goes down like drinking candy. I prefer the recipe with raspberries.

After makin’ some I asked my lady friend to wear panties just to see if it worked. ;-) It’s effectiveness has been scientifically proven.

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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Runt »

Ok I'll check that out.
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Truckinbutch »

corene1 wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2019 5:21 pm
Truckinbutch wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:49 pm Good cuts and judicious tempering if you make it yourself to keep it lovin .
I been known to down a fifth of Monte Alban with a case of beer in a long evening and maintain my self .
On the other hand ; 3 doubles of Crazy Chicken and just a few beers and you ain't got enough rope to tie my ass down .
Wanna bet! LOL!
Gal , I'd take that bet just for the rasslin . Win , lose , or draw ; we'd both win for the sport of it .
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by corene1 »

Truckinbutch wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:05 pm
corene1 wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2019 5:21 pm
Truckinbutch wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:49 pm Good cuts and judicious tempering if you make it yourself to keep it lovin .
I been known to down a fifth of Monte Alban with a case of beer in a long evening and maintain my self .
On the other hand ; 3 doubles of Crazy Chicken and just a few beers and you ain't got enough rope to tie my ass down .
Wanna bet! LOL!
Gal , I'd take that bet just for the rasslin . Win , lose , or draw ; we'd both win for the sport of it .
At our age we would probably end up sore for a week!
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Truckinbutch »

Aha ....... But the memories ........ It'd be worth it .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by Honest_Liberty »

I got ta say, after reading this thread.

God bless all a yinz! I wish I lived near a few of you because it's obvious yinz know how to have a good time!
I really enjoy the community here.

My take, and I'm only 36...
My early days of drinking, I would black out so much and so often that i was Jekyll or Hyde, but regardless, dangerous. My friends told me on too many occasions to count, I have retard strength, whatever that means.
I'm always been about 145-155lbs. Maybe they think I shouldn't have accomplished the drunken feats I did all things considered?

There came a point when I was 30 and my son was born that the blackouts dropped precipitously and I stopped drinking then driving. Too much to risk. I finally started getting tired of the anxiety and embarrassment the next day.
Then I started to get bad hangovers.

Now at 36, I can drink all day with the best of them but there is only one alcohol that makes me unpredictable. My dirty b*tch Concord sweetwine at 18%. Something about that dirty girl has always turned me into an animal.

Anecdotal, yes, but from my experience, it's primarily the amount,
Combined with starting mood,
and finally mixing cheap stuff from red wine to scotch to tequila, doesn't matter, that can lead to fighting.
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Re: Fighting liquor vs courtin/lovin liquor

Post by jog666 »

I believe it depends on the person & their mood.

Seen it countless times, either myself or a friend is in a X mood & start drinking & completely turn around. Fewer times Ive seen bad to good but I have seen & done it. Just the atmosphere. Everything from beer & wine to whiskey, rum or tequila.

Personally I have found a happy medium where Im legally fubar'd but still able to function. Get there, dial it back a fuzz & let it ride.

As far as the lovin, about 2-3 drinks before fubar'd is right. Down right tear it up with smiles.
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