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Re: Copper
Amazon has sheet copper, believe it or not.
Re: Copper
Any reason I couldn’t use brass?
Re: Copper
Do a lead test.
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Use Google Search... up above for better answers.
Here's one answer to your question.
Re: Copper
Found a solution to my problem. Had a roll of 3 1/2” stainless shim stock in the warehouse.
Re: Copper
Could always cut a piece of 1", anneal it and flatten it out then cut it to shape.
Life is a journey you take alone. Make sure you do what you what makes you happy
Re: Copper
Cut/anneal/flatten pipe, it’s really quick, fun, and kind of addicting. You’ll be making Christmas ornaments before you know it.
"A little learning is a dang'rous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again." - Alexander Pope
Re: Copper
in this house the commode out falls are 3 inch copper.. if push came to shove i could re purpose it .. that would make for special hooch , don't you think ..
Re: Copper
Roofing supply house
roof flashing/trim
cheapest place I could find
roof flashing/trim
cheapest place I could find