New to distillation, or simply new to the HD forums.
** Your first post MUST go here. Introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your interest in distilling. Any posts asking distilling questions will be deleted. **
I thought it was about time to come out of hiding from the remote hills and bogs of Ireland, introduce myself and say a big thanks to all the contributors, admins and sponsors of this brilliant forum. So there it is, thanks for all the sound advice, tips and recipes etc. It's certainly been a fountain of knowledge and a massive help in my journey refining the craft. I've been stalking this site for a number of years but generally keep myself to myself as many have done before me since the craft was outlawed here in 1661.
I'll be honest and say I'm unlikely to post very often but thanks again for the wealth of information that I've gleaned from the site.
Just about to run my Christmas Poitín wash, so not stopping as its going to be a late night....but a satisfying one.
Well, I learn something new everyday whether I like it or not.
Glad you appreciate the site. And regardless of how little you post,
it's nice to know you and learn a new word.
"A little learning is a dang'rous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again." - Alexander Pope
Really, you guys didn't know what the craic is?
Yea, me either, had to google it.
Programmer specializing in process control for ExxonMobil (ethanol refinery control), WT, Omron, Bosch, Honeywell & Boeing.
More than a decade working for NASA & FAA Tech with computer code used on Space Shuttles and some airline flight recorders.
Craic must be an Irish thing.
They may talk funny but make pretty good whiskey!
Programmer specializing in process control for ExxonMobil (ethanol refinery control), WT, Omron, Bosch, Honeywell & Boeing.
More than a decade working for NASA & FAA Tech with computer code used on Space Shuttles and some airline flight recorders.
acfixer69 wrote: ↑Wed Dec 11, 2019 5:38 pm
Welcome to HD. I had to google cause you guy's were makin me think it may be a slutty wossy thing like ckack. Heheehehe
Well it is pronounced "crack"?
Welcome to HD JBs and may you Poitín always be filled with Golden Hues!