
Grain bills and instruction for all manner of alcoholic beverages.

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Post by fizzix »

A retired HD'er (Still Life) and I were co-worker/ acquaintances who collaborated on
this Rye Recipe (Him: 90% .. Me: 10%). He was leaving the hobby (for God), just as he
got me into the hobby (for Evil) and we developed this recipe as a parting-ways act.
Here's the original thread where you can see the recipe still somewhat under construction: RYE

Dark & tasty!
Updated & condensed it for easier reading:
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Durhommer »

looks like something tasty to try i just used my mop bucket a few days ago and took the slop grain and did a sugarhead off it. i like the color of thAT mash in the bucket thst the color i like my beer too
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by StillerBoy »

I did a batch of Still Life's rye recipe about 14 - 15 months back, and it's a nice rye either nee or on the rock, it's part of this season's drinks to sample..
Picture of the other half of the batch..

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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by 6 Row Joe »

Love me some rye! Thanks for the recipe.
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Durhommer »

LIKE THE PIC STILLERBOY THATS how i age my stuff too on gallon glass at the moment...beautiful color
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Bushman »

I like to start out with an all malted rye for my first run then I add backset, corn, and more rye for subsequent generations.
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Durhommer »

bushman how does tyhe addition of the corn contribute/detract from the rye im used to A bite spicyness from rye does the corn mellow it of just add another lAYR of characterr
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Bushman »

Durhommer wrote: Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:43 am bushman how does tyhe addition of the corn contribute/detract from the rye im used to A bite spicyness from rye does the corn mellow it of just add another lAYR of characterr
When aging I do not add the all rye with the other as I like the straight rye. Adding the corn gives it more of a Bourbon Rye flavor rather than a Rye Whiskey.
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Durhommer »

thanks fot thr input bushman
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by BourbonBoi »

This recipe looks gold! This may be a simple question, not sure if this is the right place, correct me if not. What kind and how much ‘enzymes’ are used? Anxious to try this rye!
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Noreaster »

The recipe above calls for 2 emzymes. The first a high temp alpha amylase. Used during or after cooking the unmalted grains. The second a low temp gluco amylase used after mashing in the malted rye.
This is a 6 gallon mash so just follow instructions for each emzyme. Probably 1 tsp for powdered or 5-10 ml for liquid emzymes.
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by still_stirrin »

Noreaster wrote: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:56 pm... or 5-10 ml for liquid emzymes...
My liquid enzymes calls for 0.36ml per pound of grain. So, for a 12 lb grainbill: 12 x 0.36 = 4.32ml.

And to measure that, I use a 3cc syringe because 1ml = 1 cc. So, 1-1/2 syringe fills = 4-1/2 cc’s = 4-1/2ml.
And you can find these syringes at your local Tractor Supply Company (TSC) store.

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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Noreaster »

Excellent. Found this thread looking for a rye recipe. Think I am going try it. I have never done an AG without malted barley before so that will be different. At first I was appalled at the mop bucket mash tub, then I realized its potential as a strainer. Genius idea. What's the preference for fermenting, on or off the grain?
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Durhommer »

If it's in the mop bucket isn't that fermenting off grain?...just saying
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by still_stirrin »

Durhommer wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:19 am If it's in the mop bucket isn't that fermenting off grain?...just saying
More likely, the “squeezin’s” are from the fermenter, not the mash tun. And bear in mind, the alcohol in the beer would help thin the beta glucans from the rye, making it easier to separate “post-fermentation” than before.

Typically, lautering is the process to extract the fermentable sugars from the grains prior to fermentation. Sure, with the sticky glucans, lautering is quite the ordeal...but still possible with rice hulls and a good mash tun grate. That’s how I do it...ferment “off the grain”.

So, to my eyes the photo of the mop bucket is after fermentation to separate the beer from the mush on the way to the boiler.

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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Durhommer »

I get what you're saying ss I been squeezing my corn after and laughtering my malts fermenting and distilling separately and mix low wines for polish run I can't seem to get my mash tun braided hose deal to work too good so I use the mop deal after I rinse my grains. I found a link on here by a French guy who made a great mashtun /cooker worth copying
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by pope »

Mash is so much thinner after the ferment! It blows me away how water+flour can go from dough to thin pudding, and then after fermentation go nearly back to a water-like consistency.
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by BourbonBoi »

The malted rye is milled, correct?
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Twisted Brick »

Yes. Because it has no hull, rye's highest returns come from berries that have been milled fine, almost to flour. This applies to raw as well as malt rye.
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by still_stirrin »

Twisted Brick wrote: Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:29 am... Because it has no hull, rye's highest returns come from berries that have been milled fine, almost to flour....
Yep....it’s like “powdered glue”.
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by BourbonBoi »

I have spent a lot of time with ‘bourbon’ mashes and I understand the flavor. I have recently started this recipe. My question is, what flavors am I looking for when it comes off the still? I have ran one batch. I don’t get that spicy rye taste but I’m curious if that only comes out of the barrel. Just trying to make sure I’m doing it right. Thanks!
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by still_stirrin »

BourbonBoi wrote: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:08 pm I have spent a lot of time with ‘bourbon’ mashes and I understand the flavor. I have recently started this recipe. My question is, what flavors am I looking for when it comes off the still? I have ran one batch. I don’t get that spicy rye taste but I’m curious if that only comes out of the barrel. Just trying to make sure I’m doing it right. Thanks!
Oh so many questions....like, what percentage of rye, and was it malted or raw? And then, what yeast did you use? And finally, how did you distill it? I hope not in a de-tuned Boka.

Rye is indeed a big flavor and it often develops in the cask, as other flavor constituents age and the rye grain flavors emerge. But you will get rye malt flavors, especially noted in the later cuts as the grain’s bread-like quality punches through. You’ve got to collect deeper than you might for a “white corn liquor/bourbon”. Spicy, and sometimes a little “husky”...the rye flavors are nice, especially when properly aged.

Another thing to note, especially in high rye mashes, is the viscosity of the spirit. It will have more “mouthfeel”. It’ll leave your mouth with a “coating” sensation, not really like a syrup, but like a liquor that has been fortified with glycerin.

I suggest “buying and trying” some commercial rye beers. You’ll gain a flavor benchmark for which you can use when you make cuts and sample to determine its maturity.
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by BourbonBoi »

Oh so many questions....like, what percentage of rye, and was it malted or raw? And then, what yeast did you use? And finally, how did you distill it? I hope not in a de-tuned

I suggest “buying and trying” some commercial rye beers. You’ll gain a flavor benchmark for which you can use when you make cuts and sample to determine its maturity.

I’m using this recipe to a T. I use Dady yeast. I’m in love with Rye whiskey. My initial taste was that I don’t get that spiciness off the still that I get with the aged whiskey. Still, you have great info! I’m just trying to make sure I’m mashing/distilling it right. I’m going to double distill everything I make. All advice is welcomed
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Re: ==RYE!!==

Post by Cabron99 »

Boy, oh boy, I love me some rye. This one is going on my list to do.

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