Corona virus etc. and handwash.

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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.


Had seen one crazy ma'am that bought about 40 kilos of sugar. Nobody gave a f*ck about it of those who made the purchases around her. Cause about 400kg left on the shelf.

I guess she was about to make some "per-oral" belly-to-hands sanitizer ;)

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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by G8keeper »

VLAGAVULVIN wrote: Sun Mar 22, 2020 1:24 am
I guess she was about to make some "per-oral" belly-to-hands sanitizer ;)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by Eire Whiskey »

I have not been out in a few days. Schools have been closed. Eateries are closed except for takeout. I do not know what else is shutdown. I don't watch the news much. I know traffic where I live is down.
I've got plenty of supplies, except dog food, but at eight 50 pound bags per month I could not stock enough for my pups.
I am going riding this morning.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by cranky »

Ever since I began distilling I have always bought 50#s of sugar whenever the price dropped to or below 50 cents a pound so I probably have enough put back for a couple of big runs. I honestly don't know how much I have but it's at least a couple of foot lockers full. I also have 100#s of panella if times get really tough so in a pinch I can manage.

Things have been tough here for a while. Schools shut down last week. I think non essential businesses as well, even some pot shops. Restaurants might have been before schools. We haven't yet gotten a shelter in place but I expect it's coming. I've been told that I am actually exempt from a shelter in place order due to my job but we will see how that goes.

I've heard people talk and seen posts in various places by people who are ignoring the precautions but the reason for them isn't actually to prevent people from getting the virus it's to attempt to slow it down so the health care system has a chance at keeping up. In some places where they ignored it the system has been overwhelmed and health care professionals are having to make the very tough decision of who is worthy to live and who is going to be allowed to die. If I don't take these precautions seriously I can't honestly say that I am that one that is worthy to get that ventilator while others have to be sacrificed.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by Tummydoc »

cranky wrote:Ever since I began distilling I have always bought 50#s of sugar whenever the price dropped to or below 50 cents a pound so I probably have enough put back for a couple of big runs. I honestly don't know how much I have but it's at least a couple of foot lockers full. I also have 100#s of panella if times get really tough so in a pinch I can manage.

Things have been tough here for a while. Schools shut down last week. I think non essential businesses as well, even some pot shops. Restaurants might have been before schools. We haven't yet gotten a shelter in place but I expect it's coming. I've been told that I am actually exempt from a shelter in place order due to my job but we will see how that goes.

I've heard people talk and seen posts in various places by people who are ignoring the precautions but the reason for them isn't actually to prevent people from getting the virus it's to attempt to slow it down so the health care system has a chance at keeping up. In some places where they ignored it the system has been overwhelmed and health care professionals are having to make the very tough decision of who is worthy to live and who is going to be allowed to die. If I don't take these precautions seriously I can't honestly say that I am that one that is worthy to get that ventilator while others have to be sacrificed.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by GreenEnvy22 »

GreenEnvy22 wrote: Tue Mar 17, 2020 2:25 pm We're still in South America, still planning to fly back to Canada at end of the month. We looked into earlier flights but there were none.

If Canada gets more drastic with the border closure or our airline cancels flights, we might end up stuck here for a while but at least we are with family, have a place to live.
Friday the 20th morning, we got word (not from our government, but from a local), that the airport in Panama is totally closing March22. Since our airline is based there, that is our only route home. So we contacted our travel agent to see if we could get a flight out next day. Started packing like crazy. 5pm friday we get confirmation we have flights. Drove 5 hours to the capital city, got there around 11pm. As we lay down to get a few hours sleep before we get up at 2:30am for our flight, i get an email that the last leg of our flight home was cancelled. So I stayed up and worked with the travel agent until 1am finding another one. Went to sleep at 1:30, up at 2:30, 3 flights later, walked in the door at home around 1:30am.
The kids, including our 16 month old, did great.
now we need to stay at home for 2 weeks in self isolation in case we picked up anything on the flights home.
Going to do some projects around the house and maybe brew something else. Can still have supplies delivered :)
I have a 50L pot still with dual Liebig condenser.
I typically make Whisky, grappa, and brandy.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by rubelstrudel »

I just set up a 150L with 60kg sugar ferment. Since this is meant for sanitizer I gave it a handful of DAP and a bunch of other nutrients plus 300g of CC. After 24 hours this brute is fermenting like there is no tomorrow. Lalvin 1118 is fermenting faster than any turbo I've seen. Might not be top quality booze, but we'll have sanitizer enough.

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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Isn't that kind of a lot of sugar in a 150L wash.....maybe I got it wrong but by my calcs should produce a wash about 22-23% .....EC1118 is good shit witha high abv tolerance but I reckon even it might struggle under a work load like that .
As with most things time will tell I spoze, interested to see how it goes.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by thecroweater »

Couldn't get white sugar today, well I could but it was a 15 kg bag for nearly double the cheap price. The kids are home now and I must gear up for home schooling and all non essential shops are closed until further notice. SA boarder is closing at midnight and 24 hrs later it will be closed on the Vic side too. There were 67 new cases of Covid19 from midnight until just after midday in this state so things are ramping up fast. All pubs, bars cafes, restaurants, clubs etc are closed from tomorrow onwards and online public services were overwhelmed and crashed.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by cranky »

I think a lot of what appears to be panic buying is actually parents, and just people in general, who have no idea how much stuff they need for a lock down. Normally their kids are out of the house 5 or more days a week, they get breakfast and lunch and use the bathroom...etc elsewhere...for that matter the parents did the same thing. A lot of the parents, and people in general, then pick something up for dinner on the way home and seldom if ever cook. These people had no idea how much food or toilet paper they would need with the kids home so they rushed out and grabbed whatever food they thought they might be able to make and a crap load of toilet paper.

I developed this theory when my wife told me about a youtube video showing how to make a tuna fish and mayonnaise sandwich got over a million hits in less than a week :wtf:

There has been a huge movement in Seattle for tiny apartments that have no kitchen. The theory was they would always get food out, maybe have a small microwave and some have a communal cooking area, which now can't be used because of the potential spread of the virus. I bet those people feel real stupid right about now. Of course they also have a problem right now with people ignoring stay at home orders and "social distancing". Yesterday was a warm sunny day so people flocked to the beaches and trails because unlike other states that are hard hit, our beaches and parks are not yet closed.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by Saltbush Bill »

cranky wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 4:30 am Of course they also have a problem right now with people ignoring stay at home orders
And that is why some people bought up big weeks ago, they were getting prepared for this, the unprepared are now wandering around town and in shops/ supermarkets looking for stuff to buy, when they should be at home.
Was it really panic buying or just people who where thinking a bit further ahead than some others ?
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by rubelstrudel »

Saltbush Bill wrote: Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:37 am Isn't that kind of a lot of sugar in a 150L wash.....maybe I got it wrong but by my calcs should produce a wash about 22-23% .....EC1118 is good shit witha high abv tolerance but I reckon even it might struggle under a work load like that .
As with most things time will tell I spoze, interested to see how it goes.
You're right. I completely messed up lb and kg here. 30kg is the correct. So about 60 lb.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by Steve3730 »

Odin wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:33 am
pope wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:15 am
Odin wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:57 am For those interested in knowing how to make hand-sanitizer. Easiest way is to take you heads and tails, redistill them to 70%, add 0.75% of glycerine, stir, ready to go.

No H2O2?
Not in my formula. 30% h20 though! ;)

Regards, Odin.
Thanks Odin I really would like to start doing this at home. Give some bottles to the local dialysis centers , first responders who ever could use it, just feel like I need to do something to help. What yeast/mash are you using? Sugar water and distillers yeast? I have a pot still with a 12" high 3" diameter column on it I'm guessing I should make it taller to pull higher abv out of it ?
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.


In Moscow everyone's overbuying the buckwheat. My wife makes the kasha of buckwheat for our dog. A couple of weeks ago I bought 5kg of buckwheat at once and it seems to me I could still easily do it today, too. But Moscow has nuthin to do with the rest Russia. So, let them go crazy there.

What I have bought today in a drugstore, excepting some Efferalgan, there were 2 family-sized packs of condoms. Really, we'll need them all. Especially, if our smart gov't will force us to stay closed in our house. They do pay extra money for the birth rate increase but still I'm not a chimp...

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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by Odin » ... ource=mail

In Dutch, a short article on us making hand-sanitizer. I expect a story in a national newspaper tomorrow. Hopefully that get things moving.

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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by TDick »

I just saw that New Zealand went DefCon4 - shutdown today.

I'm 66 & immuno suppressed - 8 years remission - so I have a big fuckin target on my back.

In addition to Social Security, I was Uber driving drunk college students.
They've all been sent home and I can't be around them anyway.
That MIGHT come back - in August. No way to replace that income until then.

Something I wondered - here in the US they're talking about car manufacturers making ventilators.
I had read a couple of months ago that GM was shutting Holden down in Australia.
Certainly seems a no-brainer to start there.

While I'm in wife-imposed isolation, I have way too much time to think.
Since this is a global group, perhaps someone smarter than me can refute the argument.

I am not a prepper - don't have the skills.
But this has quickly become the plot of a bad Stephen King movie.
IMO, the US has been on a slippery slope to the shithole for a few years with socialists backed by - George Soros?? - intent on destroying our economy/culture.

While the US has been busy screaming & fighting the Muslim world in the Middle East, we've been selling our souls to the Chinese.

And now?? If they had mounted a military version of WWIII, they wouldn't have done nearly as effective a job.
They have absolutely shut down the United States with minimal effort to say nothing of the destruction of Western Europe.

(btw, I just looked. Russia with their closed borders, reported their FIRST death four days ago. A 73 year old woman in poor health.)

People will argue that the Chinese wouldn't purposely let the virus loose, citing the economic costs & loss of lives.
As of today, they've reported just over 3,000 deaths.
Perhaps you guys with military experience will agree that number is a drop in the bucket in terms of "acceptable losses" for the economic losses they've easily inflicted on their 'enemies".

Economic costs? When you play the long game like the Chinese do, a drop in the bucket compared to emerging as the sole world power.

I GLADLY welcome logical arguments that I am wrong.
And if I am wrong and a month from now things are back to "normal", PLEASE come back here give me a whole lot of shit!
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

I don't want this thread to go political. Keep that on face book and the farm. Here, let's just support each other and make sure we all stay drunk through this unfortunate time that is impacting the entire world.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by seemorebutts »

UK going into lockdown too as of midnight tonight.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by Bushman »

Our state the State of Washington was just put on a stay at home order from our governor.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by shadylane »

I recon the best option at this point, is to slow the spread, so the medical system doesn't get overwhelmed.
Given time, we'll come out the other side with a slightly different view of normal.
I wouldn't want to own stock in the cruise ship industry. :lol:
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by cranky »

I got an email last night telling me to print a form that says I'm some sort of essential person and will let me pass whatever check points or obstacles might get in my way should we need to go into full lock down. As you might guess my job also puts me at a higher rate of exposure than most people which is why I think what I had in January was C-19...well that and the symptoms and a few other things I'm not at liberty to discuss.

I could actually use 2 weeks at home with pay like the Boing employees. I'm trying to get my truck ready for a new paint job and could really use that time for the prep work.

On top of all that my son is now sick but I think it's actually the flu and not C-19. With his medical issues I don't think he would fare well should he get C-19 so I have been avoiding contact with him.

I went to the store today and they actually had a fully stocked bread department :esurprised: This is the first time I've seen that in a month or more. They might have also had eggs but I really only glanced that way. What they didn't have was any beef, chicken, toilet paper or sugar but it's showing improvements.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by cranky »

Today I decided to go looking for an old jar of not quite neutral I put back a few years ago to make gin out of. I remember it being a gallon and that I left it at 94%. After moving enough stuff to get to the cabinet it was in I found it :D It isn't a gallon, it is a half gallon, which is fine. Just to be sure I checked the ABV and it's showing 94% at 55f. My alcometer is calibrated for 60f so it's a little higher than that maybe closer to 95%. It has developed a slight fruity flavor, I don't know why but it's pretty tasty as is but can be used for medical supplies if I absolutely need to.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by shadylane »

Adding a little bit of glycerin to your handwash will make it easier on the skin
It also makes it taste smoother and a little sweeter :lol:
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by The Baker »

Don't think I already said this somewhere, but;

Glen 20 disinfectant spray (in Australia, other countries would have it or an equivalent) is 60 % alcohol.

If you don't have an alcohol handwash a spray of this then a little glycerine or aloe vera or moisturiser on the hands should be effective.

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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by cranky »

I'm less worried about hand sanitizing and more worried about alcohol swabs for finger pricking to test blood sugar. Ever since we had what I think is C-19 back in January Mrs Cranky's blood sugar has been running just a tad higher than normal. Since her hospital stay a few years ago we like to keep a close eye on it, rising blood sugar tells us something is wrong. Unfortunately you can't get a doctors appointment because they are all afraid of this stupid virus :(
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by cob »

cranky wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:20 pm I got an email last night telling me to print a form that says I'm some sort of essential person and will let me pass whatever check points or obstacles might get in my way should we need to go into full lock down.
cranky was that from work or some random scammer?
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by thecroweater »

Shit just got real, looks like my aunty might have this.
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by The Baker »

Hope auntie is one of the ones with an extra mild case.

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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by cranky »

thecroweater wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 11:45 pm Shit just got real, looks like my aunty might have this.
The Baker wrote: Thu Mar 26, 2020 3:11 am Hope auntie is one of the ones with an extra mild case.

Me too. I hope she pulls through without any issues
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Re: Corona virus etc. and handwash.

Post by cranky »

cob wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:55 pm
cranky wrote: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:20 pm I got an email last night telling me to print a form that says I'm some sort of essential person and will let me pass whatever check points or obstacles might get in my way should we need to go into full lock down.
cranky was that from work or some random scammer?
It was from my work. Apparently I'm part of critical infrastructure somehow... although apparently not all that critical :roll:

Yesterday we were given an ultimatum with 8hrs to decide
With 2 minutes left on the clock I chose Damned if you do so it looks like I am about to have enough free time on my hands to finish my truck... and house...and maybe even get a little stilling done :(
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