New to distillation, or simply new to the HD forums.
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Good morning yall. I'm posting here because I feel like I'm new. I've been out of the loop for quite a bit about 7-8 years I think. I don't think I've logged in since just prior to the passing of a friend of mine that was also a member here, "WalkingWolf". Just this morning I received an email from a member here and it kind of rekindled my interest. I gifted out majority of my equipment about 4-5 years ago after moving to a different location but I think now is a good a time as any to get back into what used to be my favorite hobby. I was also a member in another forum similar to this but can't remember the name of it...
Anyhow... I need to go knock the dust off of a couple boxes I suppose... wheres my hydrometer at?
South....waaaaaayyyy south bayou blood can be as potent as that clear stuff coming out the still..
"A little learning is a dang'rous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again." - Alexander Pope
He passed back in the fall of 2016 from cancer. It had been a few months since I had spoken with him and I didn't have a clue he was sick. I found out when his daughter posted a picture in memory of him on was a shock to the system no doubt. The prior summer I drove over to visit with him (we lived about 2 hours away) and go over a new build that he came up with and to swap drinks. After succumbing to the fact that his bourbon was always going to be better than mine, I went home and fabricated some stuff for his project. He came by a month or so later to pick it up and after that we just went back to the occasional conversation to see how things were going or to discuss a "trick of the trade" that he wanted to pass on to me. He was a great mentor for me in this hobby. The man just knew the craft better than most and was completely humble about his talent and experience. He was a very good man and will always be missed.
No sir... can't say it was me that ended up with your condenser. When I first got into building stills, he let me borrow one of his pot stills and tri clamp for a stainless keg I had to try out the design. It was a sweet little still. I wound up building a few like it later on.
South....waaaaaayyyy south bayou blood can be as potent as that clear stuff coming out the still..