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Post by Wschock »

I have seen a lot of people talking about adding thumps to their stills, but so far I havent seen an explanation of exactly what a thump can do and if it is necessary or not. I dont recall seeing it in the pages of reading I have done...or mabye I blacked out from an overload of info. My pot still doesnt have one and just wanna make sure im not missing the boat. thanks fellas.
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Re: Thumper

Post by still_stirrin »

Here’s a little knowledge for you:
And this: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=6084
My LM/VM & Potstill: My build thread
My Cadco hotplate modification thread: Hotplate Build
My stock pot gin still: stock pot potstill
My 5-grain Bourbon recipe: Special K
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Re: Thumper

Post by Wschock »

Thank you, could that be used to infuse flavor into the distillate? Say using something like homemade wines to give it a fruit flavor while distilling instead of trying to infuse something later. Reason I ask is I enjoy sipping on clear distillate, but taste testers would like something with a little fruity flavor....difference in generations i reckon.
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Re: Thumper

Post by seabass »

A thumper will let you macerate and distill without having to filter out the solids after maceration. You'll get more flavor that way. That's how many of us make gin. No worries about scorching solids with propane or an electric element.

You can steam strip on the grain with a thumper.

You can use it with a bit of water or wash for a spirit run and it cleans up flavor just a bit and compresses cuts more than you'd expect.

You can do a double batch strip driving a half barrel thumper with a half barrel boiler either both filled with wash or one filled with wash and the other with grain slop from an on grain ferment.

They're pretty versatile if you have extra sanke kegs lying around dinner you don't even need to modify them. It's an additional piece of equipment you might want to use. It's in no way necessary though.
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Re: Thumper

Post by Wschock »

Thanks, that helps a lot!
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