Input on Junior Still Build

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Input on Junior Still Build

Post by Steve3730 »

Looking for some input on a downsized version of my big still. Currently I have a 15.5 gallon Keg/pot still running a 5500 watt 220V element. It runs great but its big and requires around 3 gallons to cover the element and I'd like to do some smaller experimental runs but now that I've gone electric I have no interest in using my old 4 gallon direct fire still. Friend of my happen to have a 1/4 barrel short fat style keg laying around that he gave me. Thinking if I put a 6" ferrule on it just like I have on the 15 gallon one I can use the same head and cooling system and also install a similar 5500 w element so I can use the same controller on both. Attached is a picture of the big still.

Just wondering if its worth the effort, will I get the element low enough so a 4 or 5 gallon run will work? Is 5500w to big for this small of a still? I use SSVR power controller
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Re: Input on Junior Still Build

Post by OtisT »

It depends on what your needs are. Just my opinion, but you will want something with a smaller minimum volume than you can get with that short/fatty.

Several ways to do this, and I’ll list a few:

Maybe a tall/skinny? (1/6 bbl, 5 gal total volume.). As an example, I have a short/skinny that holds about 2.5 gallons. Same diameter as the 1/6 bbl. Internal 1500w foldback element I placed as low as I could get it and it and has a minimum volume of around 1.5 liters. I plan to build my next small boiler using the tall/skinny, same element placement but with a larger max volume. That will also double as my heated thumper when I am done. Search HD for mini boiler of mini still to see some examples, including my mini build.

Another option is a small/medium sized boiler pan on a hotplate. Still electric, only no internal element. No minimum volume except for keeping the pan wet. You would need to put a controller on the hotplate, or a heat sync.

I’m sure others will have more options for you. These are just two I work with.

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Re: Input on Junior Still Build

Post by Chauncey »

I think the 1/4bbl would work like that just try and get the element in there as low as possible. You could do 4 and 5 gallon runs np and even up to 6 id say
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Re: Input on Junior Still Build

Post by cob »

make a template of the profile of the bottom of your keg so you can determine how low

you can get your chosen element. you can remove a portion of the bottom skirt to

install your coupler or flange as low as the element will allow. good luck :thumbup:
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Re: Input on Junior Still Build

Post by Steve3730 »

Thanks guys I do have a tall skinny 5 gallon not in use too. Wasn't sure if the element would fit but I guess either way Ill get a 6" hole cut in both and see which works best
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