Thanks for the kind words TB.Twisted Brick wrote: ↑Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:32 pm Great job, Deplorable. I remember when you first got your barrel and grains and had a plan. You executed that plan even while upgrading your still midway through the project.Yours is an excellent example for all others looking to take on their first all-grain mash.
In a year, when you sit down with a couple of fingers of your prized scotch and factor in everything involved, the true value of the learning, stilling experience, satisfaction, and the final, delicious product is: priceless.
The last 5 months have been a journey of enlightenment.
The new still is a big improvement over what I started with. The improvement in the speed of the stripping runs, and the overall character of the product off the spirit run are far more than I expected. The flavor difference in the white dog was insane. I really had a shit still. LOL
I really appreaciate all the advice youve given along the way.
I have to say , your easy solder shotgun kit really is the cats ass. This time next year, we'll be exchanging a few drams from these barrels, and I can only hope that what Ive made here is worthy of your gift of knowlege.
May your gently used barrel bring you many bottles of happiness my friend.