AG Brew in a Bag volume vs grain

Production methods from starch to sugars.

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AG Brew in a Bag volume vs grain

Post by Graw »

I have a 14 gallon brew kettle. I did a batch of all grains with plans to leave the straining screen in the bottom of the kettle to strain water out of the grains. Problem is the water isn’t above the screen until it has more than three gallons in it. My plan was to use 7 gallons of water. After I put the 9pounds of corn into the bag into the kettle I started to doubt if there was enough water above the screen for all the grains that were to be added. In the end I pulled the bag of corn and removed the screen.
What do you guys think or do? Almost half the water is below the bag under the screen. Would this work? Obvious I will be stirring it and circulating the water but it seems the grains would benefit more from more water volume? I know I could increase the batch size or place something like marbles in to displace the water but I’m more curious what you guys do.
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Re: AG Brew in a Bag volume vs grain

Post by zed255 »

I have a Brewzilla Robobrew and find the dead space under the bottom screen is about 7l. If I dough in with the usual amount of water the mash seems too thick, so I add the 7l at the mashing stage and just use less sparge water. Similar idea may work for your situation.

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Re: AG Brew in a Bag volume vs grain

Post by frunobulax »

Why use the false bottom if your doing a Brew in a bag?
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Re: AG Brew in a Bag volume vs grain

Post by Graw »

The idea is to keep it off the bottom so it won’t scorch and also to push up against to press and drain grains
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Re: AG Brew in a Bag volume vs grain

Post by frunobulax »

How big is the dead space under the bottom? Maybe make bigger batch so there is more water above the bottom and the water to grain
ratio isn't too diluted. What I did was buy a BIAB that fit the whole kettle. They'll custom make it for any size.
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