Ukrainian by birth, American resident. Lived in WY, NY, NC, and now in CA - SF bay area. I'm married 32 y.o. with a baby girl on the way.
I've been brewing for over 7 years now. Started with a 5 gallon kettle and a bucket. I recently bought Brewzilla 3.1.1 and KegLand pot still attachment with hopes to learn the art of distilling through trial and error.
So far I've done four stripping runs from one flaked corn + barley + corn sugar, and three sugar heads (5lbs corn meal + 5 gal sugar + 5 gal water) reusing the same corn meal - because I read it here

I was about to do a spirit run out of the aforementioned low wines (got about 3 gallons total) today but got side-tracked with another project. Hoping to update my set up to add power controller (read about some DIY here) and to have a place to turn to when run into issues.
Some times I realize that I spent hours reading this or a homebrewer forum and forgot to do what I promised to my wife.
Muchas gracias, amigos!