My Sour mash

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My Sour mash

Post by TGCobb »

Originally I start with an all grain recipe,
14 gallons water
20 pds cracked corn
5 pds malted 6 row
As my biggest pot is a 10 gallon pot, I-end up cooking two 7 gallon batches. Fortunately my fermenters hold temperature well. So by the time I get the second batch done, I still have to let it cool in order to add the malt. At 160 I add malt which usually brings temperature down to 155. As I said before my fermenters hold temperature well, so I usually end up letting the malt do it’s thing overnight. I usually let it cool on its own to pitching temp. 4 Tbsp of DADY cap and wait. When done fermenting ( about 7-10 days) I only remove the cleared liquid to the grain level, I then remove about 10 pounds of used corn, as near as I can figure this leaves about 2-2.5 gallons of liquid.
Second round
10 pounds cracked corn
11 pounds cane sugar
5 pounds dark brown sugar
12 gallons water
heat 5 gallons of water to boil add corn and allow it to sit for 90-120 min.add two gallons of water add sugar and dissolve,let cool to about 140 or so, add 5 gallons of water to fermenter and then add corn and sugar mixture. Cap it and allow to ferment out again 7-10 days. Again I only remove the cleared liquid to grain level, remove 10 pounds of spent grain again leaving a couple gallons of liquid.
Third round and every round forward
10 pounds cracked corn
16 pds of cane sugar
Add corn to fermenter, add 5 gallons of water, heat 5 gallons to about 140 and dissolve the sugar. Add sugar water and additional water to fill fermenter.cap and allow to ferment 7-10 days. Remove cleared liquid to grain level and repeat,

I have been using this recipe for about two years and pull 3-5 liters per run of 65-70% after cuts. Most I age on oak, cherry or apple/cinnamon. It is so good at least 1 1/5 stays clear. I have repeated 7 times at the most but time restraints was the only reason I didn’t continue. after sitting on charred cherry for about three months this has a smooth finish you won’t believe.
You probably think I’m crazy or got some loose screws, but that’s aight though, Im a do me, you do you
Corn Cracker
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Re: My Sour mash

Post by Corn Cracker »

Bookmarked to find later, sounds good
"To ease the pressures of this world here's the way i got it figured, the thing to do for me and you is to drink lots of good corn liquor"
Buck Owens
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