Tailored Organic Staggered Nutrient Addition (TOSNA)

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Tailored Organic Staggered Nutrient Addition (TOSNA)

Post by tiramisu »

I was just reading up about mead and stumbled into this...
https://beersmith.com/blog/2020/12/29/s ... ersmith-3/

A key part of modern mead making techniques is the staggered addition of mead nutrients. Prior to the adoption of staggered nutrients, mead making was a very slow process, as it sometimes took up to a year for raw honey and water to fully ferment due to lack of nitrogen and other key nutrients.... ....The modern technique involves adding typically 4 nutrient additions at key points during early fermentation to provide the nutrients needed for a rapid and complete fermentation. Typically these are added at 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and then at either the 7 day mark or 1/3 sugar break (when 1/3 of the sugars have been fermented).

https://www.jscimedcentral.com/FoodProc ... 3-1022.pdf


Has anyone tried nutrition schedules with their ferments?
Does this outperform in distilled spirits?

Is it smoother?

I was looking at Lallemand's Yeast Life-O and trying it out with a sugar wash for a neutral.

https://www.lallemandbrewing.com/en/can ... astlife-o/
https://www.lallemandbrewing.com/wp-con ... -O_ENG.pdf

I have a pound of Red Star DADY (made in Mexico) but was planning on making a Yeast Starter over 2 days in 2 - 2000ml flasks with Light Dry Malt Extract, a seed warming mat, and a stir bar.

Pitching to a 36 Gallon batch in a 50 gal food-grade barrel.

Modified "Wineos" recipe ( pitching starter rather than over pitching dry ).

My sense of things tells me that if I reduce the temps to 23-25 rather and 28 Celsius and schedule the nutrients that I can reduce the off esters produced during the ferment by having an orderly growth rate rather than just trying to create a cannabilistic yeast orgy.

This may be the stupidest thing I have ever posted but the Mead Makers seem to have some strong opinions on modern yeast fermentation
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Re: Tailored Organic Staggered Nutrient Addition (TOSNA)

Post by greggn »

tiramisu wrote: Fri Oct 29, 2021 8:42 pm
Has anyone tried nutrition schedules with their ferments?

Mead benefits from staggered nutrient additions because honey is essentially all sugar with no latent nutrients. Additionally, mead ferments often take weeks, not days, so there's a need to ensure that the yeast remain healthy for longer periods of time.

Fermenting for a distilled spirit doesn't require a TOSN protocol since malted grains can provide all the nutrition needed for a healthy ferment.

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Re: Tailored Organic Staggered Nutrient Addition (TOSNA)

Post by Ben »

I agree with the above, Wineos already has the required nutrients accounted for. DADY should be very healthy straight from the sack, its going to be hard to improve its fervor with a stir plate build up.

Mead is a real tough ferment, besides the sugar content honey naturally self-preservative. The yeast have it hard.
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Re: Tailored Organic Staggered Nutrient Addition (TOSNA)

Post by jward »

I know some commercial mead makers front load the nutrients when making a hydromel/session mead (~8%abv) and use US-05 to boot. I am sure you could very successfully crate a protocol to use these nutrients but might not need to stagger them.
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