Grainfather/t500 Still cap.

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Grainfather/t500 Still cap.

Post by WooTeck »

Hay y'all, it's been a while. :wave:

I'm back deep into brewing, thinking about picking out the copper and getting going again. Who's using a grainfather as a still? Looking to use my own column and condenser. What's the connection like with the dome top? thinking connection type and diameter?

I have noted the concerns with sealing gasket and plastics before I get jumped on :ewink:

For those that do use one what's the output like? what do you get from your stripping runs as a typical abv and volume?
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Re: Grainfather/t500 Still cap.

Post by rubberduck71 »

Hey WooTeck, I don't use the T500/Grainfather, but I do use a Digiboil with the Kegland pot & reflux condenser heads, which are darn similar. I modified the rig by adding a 36" SS spool to get some riser height.

I've been using primarily Yellow Label Angel yeast on A/G ferments, and on stripping runs get ~65% on jar 1 (1.8L) down to ~20% on jar 4 (~1.5L). These are followed up by sugarheads on the "spent" grain that I add inverted sugar water to ~1.070 SG.

Then on spirit pot runs where I have ~7 gal of low wines diluted to ~30-35%, it comes off on jar 1 ~85% & I collect down to ~75% where ABV starts to drop & historically by taste/smell tails start coming in. That's where I crank it up & just blast through tails for feints collection for next run addition.

I typically run 4x6 gal fermenters & get 3.5-4.5 L hearts when all is said & done, plus ~5-6+ L of feints after cuts (I'm stingy on the cuts).

Hope that helps,
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