Hello from NZ

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Hello from NZ

Post by Mr80 »

Kia Ora team,
I have been passively sponging information from this site for a wee bit and wanted to say a broad ‘thanks’ for all of the awesome information!
I borrowed a 25l pot still from a friend in early December and got the bug of distilling pretty bad, started with the Turbo stuff and have evolved a bit - currently have three 25l Birdwatchers fermenting (each with a different yeast to see the difference) and a 25l of Buccaneer Bobs Molasses Rum to see how that goes too.
I am currently converting an old Copper Hot water cylinder into a 60l boiler and have access to a couple of meters of 38mm pipe - not ideal as I read on here but it’s all I have and it’s bloody hard to source. Also a couple of meters of 15mm and a meter or so of 20mm, which I’m looking at for a shotgun or Lieberg condenser. Still mostly in the planning stages, have started the boiler so far (the biggest issue is cleaning the bloody tarnish off the copper! Have been using vinegar, lemon, baking soda - open to any ideas here, there is a lot to clean!).
I am looking forward to reading some more, and some more, and some more!
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Re: Hello from NZ

Post by NZChris »

Welcome to the forum.

I've found good sized copper pipe in scrapyards around New Zealand. Most copper scrap bins look like kitset stills to me and they sell it by the Kg.

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Re: Hello from NZ

Post by T-Boon »

+1 to scrappies, just pop in to any local ones and ask to have a look in their bin weekly, you'll pretty quick find what you are after. 38mm will be far too slow for 660l, you'd want a minimum of 2 inch (51mm), but pref 3 (76mm).

for cleaning they make specific cleaning agents for copper. might make your life easier.

I use CCC and its great stuff.
https://www.spiritsunlimited.co.nz/stil ... -agent-cca
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Re: Hello from NZ

Post by MihiT »

tena koe
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