First Rum Run- Burnt?

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First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by NoFeedback »

I ran my first Rum run using PintoShine's T&T wash recipe with 3 G of molasses for 13 G of wash. My only deviation was using regular molasses rather than blackstrap molasses. It fermented in 36 hours as the recipe claimed. 1.090 OG 1.010 FG

I ran it slow on a Mile Hi 16 G boiler with a 4 plated column. Proof started at 178 after disposing of foreshots. Around 120 proof, I started picking up a burnt taste that built with each successive pint jar. The still has electric elements and I was probably running 1200 - 1500 watts into one element for most of the run. I didn't see any scorching evidence on the elements when I cleaned the still. I would also say the dunder smelled a little burnt. Resting for two days has not changed my perceptions of the flavor.

I didn't rack the wash into the boiler but I would say I kept at least 90% of the yeast residue out of the boiler.

Any ideas what might have gone wrong? Is there any way to recover? I collected 20 pints down to 20 proof.

Thank you!

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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

Put it away for a year. 6 months maybe since its quality molasses. Rum is weird up front. It changes more than any other spirit I've encountered.

Also, there was probably alot of stuff in suspension. You should always let it sit a week after fermentation, imo. You didn't have any black stuff on your element, so it's probably just the young rum. Put it on wood and just forget about it until Christmas. I bet you'll learn something if you do.
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by Saltbush Bill »

NoFeedback wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:16 pm Proof started at 178 after disposing of foreshots. Around 120 proof, I started picking up a burnt taste that built with each successive pint jar.
I'm going to assume that you are talking Proof and not ABV with those numbers .......some people seem to confuse them.
178 proof= 89% ABV.
120 proof = 60% ABV
NoFeedback wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:16 pm I ran it slow on a Mile Hi 16 G boiler with a 4 plated column.
These ABVs do not stack up for a run on a 4 plate column.....not in my experience anyway.
A plated column with 4 plates should start out at around 92% ABV, or 184 proof, you were way below that before you even started.
At 89% abv or 178 proof my four plater would be starting to pull tails, windows would be starting to fog or would have already.
At 60 ABV which is where you finished Id be pulling pure tails.......would have stopped the run and stripped what was left way back when tails first appeared.
In short, my guess is your not tasting "burnt" your tasting tails.....just getting the two confused.
NoFeedback wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 1:16 pm The still has electric elements and I was probably running 1200 - 1500 watts into one element for most of the run.
I run gas/ propane / LPG but have run electric on 4 platers before when helping friends out......previous experience suggests to me that 2400W is closer to what you should be running and possibly as high as 2600.
You need to work on how you run that still.
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Re: First Tum Run- Burnt?

Post by ShineonCrazyDiamond »

Saltbush Bill wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:03 pm In short my guess is your not tasting "burnt" your tasting tails.....just getting the two confused..
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Re: First Tum Run- Burnt?

Post by NoFeedback »

SCD and SB,
In short, my guess is your not tasting "burnt" your tasting tails.....just getting the two confused.
You need to work on how you run that still.
I dumped 2/3rds of a pint of foreshots before collecting a pint of 178 proof. Did I dump too much? I thought the heads would be a few pints before hearts started. PS said he produced more than 2 G of 100P, my yield is a couple of pints before the taste of tails start.

Yes, I am surely confused due to my inexperience and definitely still need to learn how to run my still.

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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by Saltbush Bill »

We stopped using pints and gallons when I was about 6 years old in this country......even then ours were different again.
I often need to convert to Liters to to be able to visualize "eyeball" whats going on.
13 US gal wash = 49.21L call it 50.
2/3 of a US pint =315.45...... Ml
IMO that isnt to much fores to take off from a wash that size........I tend not to go by size or measurement.....I use my nose......when they are gone they are gone.
The point is, that its not about quantity ...its about the ABV.....if your not running at around 92% abv when you first hit heads when running four plates , then you are doing it wrong.
That is why your dragging tails right through the run. The Numbers you are quoting are more like pot still numbers.
The first thing I would try is more power to the boiler and more your output speed using the deflegmator.
Have you got a needle valve on that thing ? My guess is no.
Keep output speed slow until you know what your doing 2L per hour........that equates to a 400ml cut jar every 12 miniutes.
PS edited your thread heading to First Rum Run- Burnt..... from...... First Tum Run- Burnt?
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by NoFeedback »

Again, thank you SB. I think the Subject was accurate at first so I am not sure how that went off the rails.

UoM, yes that is kinda funny since we are now the global "clingers". I can work in either, mentally, but the only glass I can easily purchase is in English UoM. It is the same stuff my Grandmothers (and I) used for canning fruits and vegetables.

I was just using a bare trickle of Defleg cooling flow. My valve is supposedly a needle valve but it is not necessarily what I expected. I think I can still manage it. I figured low output speed was OK regardless of the levels of Defleg and thermal input. Relativistic thinking on my part. The reality is that I have much to learn.

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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by Evil_Dark »

I had apparently the same result as yours...
The "burnt" taste and smell is just the distilled molasses taste. Smell or taste the molasses first, then taste your spirit... If it correlates, thats it.

I had the same reflex on my first rum. I thought that it has scorched... But finnaly has'nt. My next batches has the same taste/smell, I managed it while diminushing the molasse content in the wash.
In my case I was using animal feed grade molasse, not sweet at all, very dark and smoky. My recipe has 4 liters with white sugar on a 20L (5gal) pail.
I ended using just 2liters instead, and I added 2Kg of brown sugar to compensate.

Also as stated above, rum change drastically while aging. I tested nuclear aging on oak and yes, it changed (while not totally the same as real age, but you can see where the flavors are getting into).
I've also tried the banana rum recipe of this forum and it gaved me more a spirit that fits my liking.

Our molasse rum are not really tasting anything commercial, so hard to compare!
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by Evil_Dark »

Saltbush Bill wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:03 pm
I run gas/ propane / LPG but have run electric on 4 platers before when helping friends out......previous experience suggests to me that 2400W is closer to what you should be running and possibly as high as 2600.
You need to work on how you run that still.
When I run in reflux mode, I do use around 1200-1400W at the begining of the hearts collection for a 40L boiler filled at 30-35L, and 1600W in the tails. (my element is sa 3kW SCR controlled).
I do collect 92% with 4 plates as you said, or with my small 12in packed section column. Not sure if I increase the reflux condenser to it's maximum how much Watts will be required, but I don't think anything better may come out?

For sure the OP have an issue driving its column, as 60% is very very low ABV on the output collected.
Also, He took away toomuch foreshots, but it was probably heads anyway so no big deal. I do collect between 50-100ml (2-3oz) as foreshots.

But I have the feeling that the burnt taste is normal, it would come from the molasses.
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?


I have a similar setup. I really think that "burnt' you were getting was more of the oils and such from the molasses. I don't think you burnt anything. When you get into the tails of a rum, especially molasses heavy, that comes though. SCD is spot on. Keep it and let it air for a while. Even put it on some oak.

When I start, I throw the first pint or two into my "fire starter" jug. I then start keeping as it falls below 90%, that is based on a taste. I will collect until I drop below 70%, again there's a taste I'm looking for. I will then keep a separate jar that's about 70-60% Once I hit 70% I turn down to suck out as much as I can. There is a definitive smell and taste in this zone for me. I'll take this last bit and put in a separate 1 liter barrel. It makes for an interesting taste after a few months.

I pay attention to temp and ABV but judge based on taste. Still not perfect but I get better every run.
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by Saltbush Bill »

IMALOSERSCUMBAG wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:59 pm I then start keeping as it falls below 90%, that is based on a taste. I will collect until I drop below 70%, again there's a taste I'm looking for. I will then keep a separate jar that's about 70-60%
I really don't understand how some of you guys are getting good booze from 4 inch four plate columns "flutes" at those kinds of ABV / numbers.
The majority of my distilling experience is from using these things, Ive never seen one yet produce anything much good below about 87 % abv.
If you want low ABV its better to remove some plates than to try to push a four plater out of its happy zone.
On any of the 5 or 6 , plated columns with 4 plates that I have run hearts start at 92....or very close.
Tails start at around 87ish and just get more rank the lower the abv gets.
Different strokes for different folks I guess
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by MihiT »

Saltbush Bill wrote: Sun Jan 16, 2022 2:03 pmI'm going to assume that you are talking Proof and not ABV
Find me a still that cranks out 178 abv!!

Also he did say proof, right there after the 120.
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?


Saltbush Bill wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:00 pm
IMALOSERSCUMBAG wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:59 pm I then start keeping as it falls below 90%, that is based on a taste. I will collect until I drop below 70%, again there's a taste I'm looking for. I will then keep a separate jar that's about 70-60%
I really don't understand how some of you guys are getting good booze from 4 inch four plate columns "flutes" at those kinds of ABV / numbers.
The majority of my distilling experience is from using these things, Ive never seen one yet produce anything much good below about 87 % abv.
If you want low ABV its better to remove some plates than to try to push a four plater out of its happy zone.
On any of the 5 or 6 , plated columns with 4 plates that I have run hearts start at 92....or very close.
Tails start at around 87ish and just get more rank the lower the abv gets.
Different strokes for different folks I guess
I don't use all 4 plates when making rum and whiskies. I usually use just 2 plates and I also have a 12" copper section. It's taken time for me to find the sweet spot and I still change things up to see what I can get. It's an ever evolving process.
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?

Post by Saltbush Bill »

IMALOSERSCUMBAG wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:57 pm I don't use all 4 plates when making rum and whiskies.
The other posts in this thread are all using 4 plates as far as i can see.
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Re: First Rum Run- Burnt?


I have 4 sections but only put in 2 plates. Sorry for the confusion.
I use 3 - 6" SS sections and one 12" copper section.

When I go for neutral, I use 4 SS sections, the 12" copper and all four plates.
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