its labeled as animal grade because they are rock-hard you gotta have crocodile teeth to enjoy them. a bag of 50lbs would cost you like 8 bucks!
in places like Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran you can find them on the streets, its a moonshiners wet dream.

i put 40lbs in a big bucket didnt take the seeds or even wash it, i wanted full flavor dirt and all! added 5gallons of water
and let them soak for 6 hours.
i used big log and mash them to a pulp, it was too thick i had to add another 3.5 gallon of water. there was still a lot sugar
trapped in the tough skin.
it took a month to fully ferment, lost 3 gallons during siphoning i barely squeeze 5gallon and half of that was sediment.
i let it clear for a week ended up with just 2.5 gallon of clear wine the rest was too thick but i thought what the hell let it scorch!

i stripped it dry and diluted it to 20% abv, during the slow spirit run i was shocked by the amount of methanol!
however late heads is packed with explosive flavors it was the prime of brandy.
collected a liter of pure alcohol, blew 60% it started to taste like coins i stopped the run.
it was absolutely worth it.