Favorite bottles

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Favorite bottles

Post by cranky »

I know a lot of people here make their own labels and some get quite elaborate. I also know that some just use a pieces of tape on a jar and just about every conceivable thing in between. As we get more and more stock built up, or perhaps more and more skill some of us begin to start paying attention to the little things like the containers themselves. I myself have quite a few antique and vintage decanters that sadly I don't use except for special occasions but I still have a need for something to store my most special products in and being that it is a special product I prefer to have a special bottle. I decided to start this thread to show ya'll some of those bottles :D

In case you don't already know, I have access to a bottle dumpster used by a few different bars and I make regular raids on it when I'm in need of something. Lately I have found myself in need of enough beer and wine bottles to handle something like 50 or 60 gallons of various fermented things like cider and wine so I have been hitting the dumpster hard for the past few months.

As I salvage beer bottles I find I have a lot of trouble passing up anything with a cork but my absolute favorite bottles are a brand called "Monkey Shoulder"
I saw this bottle and fell in love with it, mostly because of this
On the shoulder of the bottle are 3 brass monkeys. As soon as I saw one I knew I needed more and instantly knew I had to put the S3 monkeys on it. Sadly these are very rare finds in my bottle dumpster but I have managed to find a few of them two of which I sent to MCH with my 2018 & 2019 apple brandy. The labels I put on them look like this
I have to say I like these bottles so much that I will and have crawled across broken glass to get one :crazy:

Of course because I'm both a cheap bastard and a natural scrounger those aren't the only bottles I use. I can't resist Woodford Reserve bottle even though it's close to impossible to remove the painted on wording. They have nice corks, store well and the bottles I find are always one liter so I always grab them when I find them.

I really have a thing for unique shaped bottles. One of the only bottles I have ever bought were a couple cases of these
Which have a really nice oval shape
But use a larger than standard cork which until recently I've only been able to find from Widgetco and they are quite expensive. However recently I found a Woodinville Whiskey company cork fits them perfectly. WW uses a rectangular bottle that I would really like if it didn't have embossed lettering, but it does so when I find one of those I just take the corks to fit my oval bottles.
Last edited by cranky on Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by cranky »

Of course there are Patrone bottles
PATRONE #1A - C.jpg
I can't bring myself to pass those up. I bet I have over 100 of them. Certain bars when they change out bottles have a habit of taking the cork out of the new bottle and put it in the old bottle and there is about 1/4 of an ounce of liquor left in the bottle. I'm actually trying to see if I can accumulate enough salvaged Patrone to completely fill a bottle.

Another unique bottle I just can't bring myself to pass up are Aviation Gin bottles.
Even though these have a screw cap I just love the shape of this bottle and can't pass them up.
Every time I see one it reminds me of a pleasant memory of one time when there was an auction 2 blocks from my house back when I was an antique picker. I walked down to the auction early to see if there was anything worth buying and all I found was something called a "Visible mailbox"
At the time Visible mailboxes were selling a little above $100. I stuck around to see if I could get it cheap enough to flip it and as luck would have it it was the very first thing sold and it sold to me for one dollar. I paid for it as soon as possible and headed home, contacted one of my dealers and had it resold in under 2 hrs for $100 :ebiggrin:

So I can't help myself I have to grab these whenever I find them. I actually plan on seeing if it's possible to grind the threaded part off the neck and modify it to take a cork.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by cranky »

Macallan's are another uniquely shaped bottle I can't pass up.
MACALLAN #4A - C.jpg
Broad oval shoulders, but round bottoms. Tall and skinny with that nice v just below the neck
MACALLAN #8A - C.jpg
They have a real elegant feel to them.

Another botte I like because they have an elegance to them are Domaine Ste Michelle Brute (Champaign) bottles.
I get these for sparkling wine and am kind of ashamed to admit I plan on using crimp on beer caps...at least until I have them riddled, then I might give corking them a try.

I like Templeton Rye bottles,
not because they are elegant but because they feel very manly, solid and seem to have a presence. The only real problem with them is the size of the opening. The hole is quite large so if I find it without a cork it's a problem to find a cork that fits.
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Re: Favorite bottles

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These last two I really like because they have a shape that I associate with traditional whiskey bottles.
The Balvenie
BALVENIE #1A - C.jpg
BALVENIE #4A - C.jpg
and Glenlivet
I just like the shape of those
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Deplorable »

I have a couple of Monkey Shoulder bottles as well Cranky. I love them for anything not bourbon. One of mine is currently full of SPD and the other is waiting to be refilled with something. Likely to be another bottle of Sweet Feed that was the first product I made for consumption.
Monkey Shine.jpg
Balvenie bottles are my favorite
Balvenie bottle.jpg
Ive got a few of these 750ml jugs with a finger hole
whiskey jug.jpg
and I've really come to like this Wild Turkey Rare Breed bottle
Rare breed bottle.jpg
A lot of what I've been buying lately comes in a basic corked whisky bottle like the Money Shoulder bottle, of course without the monkeys.SO I have about half a dozen of those as well.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Deplorable »

I've also got a 1 liter JD commemorative bottle with a cork stopper and an old lable. Its also empty, and waiting for a refill. Just not enough room on the shelf for all of them.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Bushman »

Patron is pretty expensive especially for the 1.75 liter bottles. We had a restaurant save them for us to use as water bottles on the table at our sons wedding. They would collect them and we would come in every two weeks for a meal and get the bottles for free. Have around 30 bottles.
Not fancy but I like to use the Bushmill bottles as they are rectangular and stack well in my cabinets.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by WhiskeyRebellion »

I have some standard 750ml clear wine bottles and I save all my empty whiskey bottles, knob creek, larceny, and wellers I have empty right now
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by cranky »

After I built the big CM I pretty much stopped buying any alcohol, then our consumption got cut way back after Mrs Cranky had her coma because she cut out most of the sweets, which was just about everything she drank. I still have a bottle of home made coffee/Amaretto that must be going on 4 or 5 years.

I still accumulate bottles though :crazy: I actually need to fill some, my 1018 brandy is sitting in gallon jugs and the '19 is still in the barrel and needs to come out.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Oldvine Zin »

still have a bit of your apple in one of those oval bottles, quite nice and hard to keep the MRS out of it :shock:
crakeys apple.jpg
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Dancing4dan »

Wine bottles from South America. Generally Argentina. They are THICK & HEAVYWEIGHT!
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by SassyFrass »

I very seldom ever use bottles. (Only when I'm doing gifts for family and friends.) I store most everything in glass gallon "cider" jugs. And those don't leave the farm. I got a bunch from my mom years ago, and they were old back then. Due to 40+ years of use, there aren't as many now.. We find caches every once in a while, and bring them back home. I use corks and hot glue to seal them, and that seems to work ok.
I also got a few of the newer model cider jugs. Those work ok too, but they aren't as thick or heavy as the old ones. Oh, and they are made for screwtops, but the same corks will work for them. So I just toss the screwtops.
But, I sure do enjoy looking at what yall are doing with the bottles and labels. Thank yall for sharing.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by cranky »

Oldvine Zin wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:15 pm still have a bit of your apple in one of those oval bottles, quite nice and hard to keep the MRS out of it :shock: crakeys apple.jpg
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by cranky »

I just came across this bottle the other day
DON JULIO #1 - C.jpg
DON JUNIO #2 - C.jpg
Unfortunately it didn't have a cork but I figure a Patrone cork should work. I'm thinking this one would be perfect for some blue gin :D

I really like bottles that look and feel like decanters since I don't use my decanters any more.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by NormandieStill »

Reminds me of the Ricard decanters. Used to be fairly easy to pick up here at jumble sales (garage sale?). Search for "Caraffe verre Ricard". I have managed to find a source for conical natural corks which will fit various size containers. Might have to invest in some since more than one of my demi-johns is currently closed with aluminium foil and an elastic band!
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Re: Favorite bottles

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NormandieStill wrote: Wed Apr 06, 2022 11:30 pm Reminds me of the Ricard decanters. Used to be fairly easy to pick up here at jumble sales (garage sale?). Search for "Caraffe verre Ricard". I have managed to find a source for conical natural corks which will fit various size containers. Might have to invest in some since more than one of my demi-johns is currently closed with aluminium foil and an elastic band!
It does resemble that.
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Re: Favorite bottles

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Digging through the bottle dumpster yesterday I took these pics.

Every time I see a Woodinville Whiskey bottle it pains me not to take it.
They have the look and feel of a high end decanter but have thick raised lettering
which to me limits their usefulness.

Then are the Cuervo bottles
JOSE CUERVO #1 - C.jpg
With their square bottoms
JOSE CUERVO #2 - C.jpg
but round tops
JOSE CUERVO #3 - C.jpg
I like these a lot but with the raised lettering I usually pass them up as well.
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Re: Favorite bottles

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I'm also in the process of cleaning and organizing my garage at home. It's not a fun task but is unfortunately necessary right now. In the process I'm having to decide to throw out, donate, or sell a lot of things including bottles. I've decided to throw out any plain wine bottles and only keep the Champagne bottles that will take a crimp cap and also throwing out most bottles that have screw caps.

While doing this I came across these.

I just can't bring myself to pass up or throw out St-Germain bottles
ST GERMAIN #1 - C.jpg
ST GERMAIN #2 - C.jpg
They are just too cool.

So are Kraken rum bottles
KRAKEN #1 - C.jpg
Occasionally I find Hanger 1 Vodka bottled which are tall and skinny and have a good feel to them
HANGAR 1 #1 - C.jpg
Plus they have measurements on the back so you know how much is left
HANGAR 1 #2 - C.jpg
Maybe I'm just basically a hoarder :problem: but I'd really like enough of one single style of bottle to put each individual kind of liquor in so every bottle of brandy, vodka, rum or whatever matches the rest but in reality unless I use nothing but the cuervo bottles that probably isn't going to happen :(
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Deplorable »

I too would love a rack of all the same bottles for my product, but then I realize how easy bottles are to gift away and like mason jars, they don't often come home. So, I'm limiting the number of bottles I keep, and just fill from the aging vessels as needed.
I'm very comfortable telling people I can't give you any because I don't have a bottle to send it home with you. You're welcome to stop by any time for a drink or few any time though. 😁
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Stonecutter »

Nice thread Cranky
I’m digging this Buffalo Trace bottle at the moment. Stoked to fill it back
Edit: Thanks to my Brother in law for hooking up the bottle
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Deplorable »

Stonecutter wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:41 pm Nice thread Cranky
I’m digging this Buffalo Trace bottle at the moment. Stoked to fill it back up


Edit: Thanks to my Brother in law for hooking up the bottle
a paper towel soaked in fores/early heads helps take the painted part of the labels off those bottles. The strip nicely brother.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Stonecutter »

Ya read my mind Brother. Thanks!
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Oldvine Zin »

cranky wrote: Wed Apr 06, 2022 6:49 pm
Oldvine Zin wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:15 pm still have a bit of your apple in one of those oval bottles, quite nice and hard to keep the MRS out of it :shock: crakeys apple.jpg
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Looks like your due a refill OVZ.
Is that an offer?

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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by cranky »

Oldvine Zin wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2022 5:53 pm
cranky wrote: Wed Apr 06, 2022 6:49 pm
Oldvine Zin wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 8:15 pm still have a bit of your apple in one of those oval bottles, quite nice and hard to keep the MRS out of it :shock: crakeys apple.jpg
Stay safe
Looks like your due a refill OVZ.
Is that an offer?

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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Twisted Brick »

Been busy but finally dug a few favorites out. Like Cranky, I love the inviting (feminine curves!) of the Macallan bottle which makes it easy to pick up to pour another. The Rabbit Hole (haven't gotten to opening it yet) is similar, but the 6th Street bottle (came with a metal 'guitar pick' hanging around its neck) is my favorite. I keep the Hillrock bottle because it weighs a ton and it has Dave Pickrell's (RIP) actual handwritten signature on the label.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Sleighahh »

Deplorable wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:46 pm a paper towel soaked in fores/early heads helps take the painted part of the labels off those bottles. The strip nicely brother.
Starsan sanitiser works quite well for removing prints from glass also. Takes a day or two of soaking though.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Deplorable »

Sleighahh wrote: Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:44 am
Deplorable wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:46 pm a paper towel soaked in fores/early heads helps take the painted part of the labels off those bottles. The strip nicely brother.
Starsan sanitiser works quite well for removing prints from glass also. Takes a day or two of soaking though.
Good to know
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by WhiskeyRebellion »

I like the weller bottles and I have a few of those empty


I am also a fan of the rare breed bottle.

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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by cranky »

I see I fell behind in this thread and it's kind of fell by the wayside. I really enjoy seeing the bottles people are using even when I don't comment.

I'm still hitting my bottle dumpster nearly every day but there hasn't been many good bottles until recently. Lately I've been finding these
These Casa Noble bottles are really nice. They look like decanters and have a round metal (I think stainless steel) stopper with a cork, the labels come off easily and once they are removed there are no markings on the bottle.
This makes them ideal for me. There are some slight drawbacks #1 being they are tequila bottles so the corks smell like tequila, something I'm trying to find a solution for, and #2 you can't really seal them with wax but I can live with that one.

I am considering making my own stoppers for them out of maple or cherry. I think that could be really nice and I could potentially make the stopper out of the same material as the box.
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Re: Favorite bottles

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Cranky a mix of bicarb soda and water is good for removing odours and taste from things.
I've often used it to get the smell out of things like second hand jars used for pickling and such.
It might just work on corks as well.
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