New looking for advice

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New looking for advice

Post by Blackgrub79 »

I'm new to distiller and looking for advice. I'm looking to do my first run tomorrow with something other then water and vinegar. I have read a lot on other sites and a few posts on here. My first run is going to be a sugar mash. I was told it is the easiest and cheapest to run. I bought my still online had good reviews but a few reviews said the thumper is not a real thumper but it can be made into one. Also what kind of liquid do you place in your thumper?

Anyway hope to pick your brains. Last question here is there a pace or a post I should read that will help me out with the process?
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Re: New looking for advice

Post by SmokyMtn »

Welcome. Sugar is easier, not cheaper. But it is a good place to start. Throw some wash in your in your thumper. Good luck, continue reading.

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Re: New looking for advice

Post by Deplorable »

Blackgrub79 wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2022 8:45 pm I'm new to distiller and looking for advice....

Anyway hope to pick your brains. Last question here is there a pace or a post I should read that will help me out with the process?
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Re: New looking for advice

Post by elbono »

Sounds like you have something similar to the amazon still I started with.

If so the thumper/slobber pot was discussed recently here.
This pic shows you what I did.

If the vapor comes in the top and goes out the top it is a slobber pot. It will do nothing useful with a sugar wash. With a down tube to the bottom it has purpose. On the first run as part of the cleaning process after the vinegar run just let it fill up on its own. You should not drink the product anyway.

The Amazon still was good to find out if I really wanted to get into this for real, I drank the kool aid I'm in for the ride now.
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Re: New looking for advice

Post by elbono »

Blackgrub79 wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2022 8:45 pm Anyway hope to pick your brains. Last question here is there a pace or a post I should read that will help me out with the process?
For tomorrow read this then go back and read all the stuff on the wiki until your next ferment finishes.
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Re: New looking for advice

Post by Blackgrub79 »

elbono wrote: Sun Apr 10, 2022 3:28 pm Sounds like you have something similar to the amazon still I started with.

If so the thumper/slobber pot was discussed recently here.
This pic shows you what I did.

If the vapor comes in the top and goes out the top it is a slobber pot. It will do nothing useful with a sugar wash. With a down tube to the bottom it has purpose. On the first run as part of the cleaning process after the vinegar run just let it fill up on its own. You should not drink the product anyway.

The Amazon still was good to find out if I really wanted to get into this for real, I drank the kool aid I'm in for the ride now.
Thanks from what I have read it did not clear that up as much as you have. Yes it's a Amazon still just trying to get my feet wet.

I did notice from what I read that it's way to small to be a thumper I'd need a 3 gallon for my 8 gallon still. From what I read I should just not use the "Thumper".

Tried last weekend to distill but found my heating went out when I placed my large pot on it. I know don't use a flame but also read that the smoke helps with the flavor! I'm just using a propane burner and making sure the distilled liquid is several feet away from the fire.
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Re: New looking for advice

Post by elbono »

I run on propane, yes keep distillate away from the flame. I had the boiler, thumper and condenser set up next to each other not stacked up like the amazon photo.

The thumper size needed is what it takes to keep it from filling up. I never saw mine any where near that. Run a small batch maybe two or three gallons to get a feel for it.

Watch for leaks with a glass mirror, I had plenty, seal them with flour paste.
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Re: New looking for advice

Post by WithOrWithoutU2 »

I am not one to tell people to "read til your eyes bleed" before you ask questions. However, in your case I would highly suggest you do more research before you run your still based on the type of questions you are asking. While distilling can be very safe, it can also go very wrong, very quickly. You running a thumper as part of your set up increases that risk. It takes it from an open system to a closed system. Closed systems are significantly more at risk for explosion if precautions are not taken.

So, I will say this. Start with sugar washes as they are the easiest ferment. Go to the Tried and True section to find the sugar wash you like best. But, please do not even think about running your still until you know the procedures, risks and safety measure 100%. As you research, feel free to ask questions.
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Re: New looking for advice

Post by WhiskeyRebellion »

elbono wrote: Sun Apr 10, 2022 3:28 pm

Tried last weekend to distill but found my heating went out when I placed my large pot on it.

what do you mean by this? I have an 8 gallon speakeasy still and run on an induction top.