Glass maxes out 12" above the top of the keg, arguably more above the top of the liquid level in the keg. Lets just say Its water, with mash in the thumper, down stream.
Do I need to be lower than the keg? Kegs have a concave bottom, so if you were flush with the ground, you're probably below the actual bottom of the liquid. Mine is raised up slightly for extra wiggle room, and to keep the stick lengths nice.
The pipe bracing is just the same size pipe, saddled onto and soldered to the outside of the pipe, did similar with the water lines for a condenser. Figure that length of 1/2" could be a bit easy to bend, bracing should help it.
I'm also somewhat concerned about the weight of this, with liquid, hanging off the union, may make a small wood brace for the bottom, to keep it supported from the ground. Or some sort of copper pipe brace to the keg, just not soldered onto the keg.
And then when it comes to filling this thing, I suppose connect a hose to the union, prior to attaching it to the keg, and fill it up that way?
Last week, I was about 18" above the top of the keg, and at 3/4" diameter, we calculated under 2 psi to blow.

Appreciate any feedback!